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. 2016 Feb 24;15:114. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1164-2

Table 5.

Summary of human population demographics, nurse assessments, and ITN ownership and usage as recorded in this study

Characteristic N (%) Total Na
 Sex 305
 Female 174 (57.0)
 Male 131 (43.0)
 Age (years) 303
 <5 50 (16.5)
 5 to 17 113 (37.3)
 ≥18 142 (46.9)
Nurse assesments
 BMIb (<18.5) 13 (11.8) 110
 Stuntingc (< −2 SD) 10 (20.0) 50
 Underweight2 (< −3 SD) 17 (34.0) 50
 Febrile (temp > 100.4° F) 3 (1.1) 265
 Positive malaria RDT 10 (3.7) 272
Insecticide Treated Net (ITN) ownership
 Live in house with ITN 315 (94.3) 334
 If yes, number of ITNs
  1 36 (11.4) 315
  2 115 (36.5) 315
  3 125 (39.7) 315
  4 31 (9.8) 315
  5 0 (0.0) 315
  6 8 (2.5) 315
ITN Usage
 Never 70 (23.3) 301
  Children <5 10 (3.3)
  Females ≥18 18 (6.0)
 Not every night 15 (5.0) 301
  Children <5 2 (0.07)
  Females ≥18 4 (1.3)
 Every night 216 (71.8) 301
  Children <5 37 (1.2)
  Females ≥18 59 (2.0)

aNot all individuals were willing to participate in all components of survey and health assessments, therefore total n is listed

bBMI reported for the ≥18 year-old population who completed the physical assessment

cStunting and underweight reported for <5 year-old population