Figure 2.
Transient PTP openings cause temporary mitochondrial depolarization (ΔΨm) and do not allow calcein permeation. (A) Colocalization of the ΔΨm indicator TMRM (red) and mitochondrial Ca2+ indicator Fluo-8 (green) in permeabilized cardiac myocytes. Enlarged images are from a portion of the above myocyte at times indicated. (B) Traces were obtained from an individual mitochondrion (or pair), as indicated by white arrows. Depolarization preceded Ca2+ loss and gradual repolarization preceded Ca2+ refilling. (C) Similar format for simultaneous mitochondrial ΔΨm indicator (TMRM) and calcein in a permeabilized cardiac myocyte, with enlarged images showing individual mitochondrion (or pair; arrows) in which depolarization and calcein were simultaneously measured (D). Scale bar=16 μm. The SR Ca2+ release protocol (Fig 1) was used.