Arterial blood pH following sedation and respiratory support by oxygen insufflation or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Values are shown as median (horizontal line) and mean (diamond) and quartiles and range immediately after catheter placement (T0, baseline), 10 minutes following sedation (T1, sedation), following 10 minutes of oxygen supplementation (O2), following 10 minutes of CPAP, and after 10 minutes of breathing ambient air following respiratory support (T3, rest, and T5, recovery). Order of respiratory support (O2 supplementation or CPAP) was randomly assigned to replicate groups of paired calves and administered at T2 (5 calves) or T4 (5 calves); treatment order had no significant effect on response to O2 supplementation or CPAP. Baseline results were significantly higher than results obtained at all other times (∗∗
P < 0.001), and results obtained following O2 supplementation were significantly lower than all other results (∗
P < 0.005).