(A) Low magnification (40×) typical male sham control showing both CA1 (#1) and CA3 (#2) hippocampal regions. (B) Higher magnification (100×) typical male sham control CA3 hippocampus. (C) Typical male FPI CA3 hippocampus (100×). (D) Typical FPI + NE female CA3 hippocampus (100×). (E) Typical FPI + NE male CA3 (100×). (F) Typical FPI + NE + U 0126 male CA3 (100×). (G) High magnification (600×) typical viable sham control male neuron #3, with intact cytoplasm and darkly stained nucleus and (H) High magnification (600×) typical male necrotic neurons, showing # 4 pyknotic nucleus of small neuron, accompanied by neuronal cytoplasm shrinkage (#5) and granulated eosinophilic characteristics (“red dead” neuron) (#6) associated with cell death. Summary data for mean number of necrotic neurons (I) in CA1 and CA3 hippocampus of newborn male and female pigs under conditions of sham control, FPI, FPI + NE, and FPI + NE + U 0126 iv, n=3–5. *p<0.05 compared to corresponding sham control value, +p<0.05 compared to corresponding FPI alone value, #p<0.05 compared to corresponding female value.