Figure 5.
Ratio expressing left FDI MEPs at TMSDELAY in the Double-Coil block with respect to the Single-Coil block in the TMSLRM1 group (A; group receiving the left M1 pulse first in the D-Coil blocks) and in the TMSRLM1 group (B; group receiving the right M1 pulse first in the D-Coil blocks). Data are shown for the left FDI (MEPLEFT, gray bars) and the right FDI (MEPRIGHT, turquoise bars) when the muscle was either selected (open bars, condition under which IC is assessed) or non-selected (dashed bars, condition under which CR is assessed) for the forthcoming response. Ratio = 1 indicates comparable IC and/or CR values in both block types; ratio >1 indicates attenuated IC and/or CR values in the Double-Coil block with respect to the corresponding Single-Coil block. *Significantly different (p < 0.05).