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. 2016 Mar 7;8:47. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00047

Table 2.

List of included studies on exercise-related changes of networks in aging and MCI.

Neuroimaging techniques Reference Target Control Exercise Duration Cognitive task Mainly related brain regions/networks
fMRI Voss et al., 2010b Aerobic walking older adults Non-aerobic stretching older adults Walking 1 year Digit span task, Task switching, Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST), Spatial memory Default mode network, frontal executive (FE) network, frontal parietal (FP) network
fMRI Voss et al., 2010a Healthy elderly adults Aerobic fitness Task switching, Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST), Spatial memory Default mode network
fMRI Taubert et al., 2011 Young adults-motor training Yong adults-no training Dynamic balancing task 6 weeks Acquired motor skill Increased fronto-parietal network connectivity
fMRI Voss et al., 2011 Higher-fit children Lower-fit children Aerobic fitness Cognitive control task Dorsal anterior cingulate, putamen, central opercular
fMRI Zlatar et al., 2013 Physically active older adults Sedentary older adults Semantic fluency task Attention and language networks
fMRI Wei et al., 2013 Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) practitioners TCC-naïve Controls Long term TCC Attention network test Thicker cortex in left medial occipito-temporal sulcus and lingual sulcus
fMRI Wei et al., 2014 Aging TCC practitioners Aging TCC-naïve controls Long term TCC Attention network test Increased functional homogeneity in the post-central gyrus (PosCG)
fMRI Smith et al., 2013 MCI-exercise Normal control-exercise Treadmill walking 12 weeks Semantic memory task Frontal, temporal and parietal lobes
fMRI Suzuki et al., 2013 MCI-exercise MCI-naive Multicomponent exercise 6 months MMSE, ADAS-Cog, logical memory Medial temporal areas including entorhinal cortex
EEG Fong et al., 2014 Physically active older adults Sedentary older adults Endurance exercise, TCC Long term exercise Task-switching task Frontal, central and parietal midline sites
EEG Chang et al., 2015 Young adults with antecedent exercise Young adults without antecedent exercise Acute cycling exercise Attention network test Three attentional networks: alerting, orienting, and executive control
EEG Luque-Casado et al., 2015 High-fit young adults Low-fit young adults Aerobic fitness The Psychomotor Vigilance Task Attentional networks
EEG Smallwood et al., 2015 High-activity young adults Low-activity young adults Aerobic fitness Visual-evoked potentials (VEPs) Visual sensory long-term potentiation (LTP)
EEG Bullock et al., 2015 High-intensity exercise Low-intensity exercise Acute bouts of aerobic physical exercise Perceptual and cognitive processes Parietal electrodes
EEG Gajewski and Falkenstein, 2015 Active aging Inactive aging Lifelong habitual physical activity Memory-based task switching Frontal electrodes
EEG Hogan et al., 2015 High-fit adolescent Low-fit adolescent Aerobic fitness An executive function task Frontal area
MEG Douw et al., 2014 Healthy persons Physical fitness Dutch intelligence test Increased intermodular connectivity in the beta band
PET Schultz et al., 2015 High- cardiorespiratory fitness aging at risk for AD Low- cardiorespiratory fitness aging at risk for AD A graded treadmill exercise (VO2peak) A comprehensive neuropsychological exam (immediate memory, verbal learning and memory) Increased PiB-PET binding and reduced CSF Aβ42
PET Porto et al., 2015 Pre-training MCI After-training MCI Aerobic training 24 weeks MMSE, ADAS-Cog Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex