Figure 2.
(a)Angiogenesis dynamics in numerical simulations: the initial sprout evolves and soon splits in second-generation vessels, which in turn split until a complex tree-like network is formed. The simulations have been obtained setting ξ = 10, λ = 1, δ = 500, η = 0.0316, c0 = 0.143 in a domain with dimensionless length and height equal to 0.316 and the interface initially placed at xΣ = 0.079. The total dimensionless time of this simulation is T = 1.558. (b) Morphological diagram of the simulated capillary morphology for different values of the parameter ξ. The simulations were obtained setting λ = 1, δ = 100, η = 0.0316, c0 = 0.3432. We report at the bottom the dimensionless time at which each snapshot has been taken. The simulations stopped because of either the capillaries reached the tumour (left snapshot) or they formed anastomosis (central and right snapshots).