Figure 3. The correspondence of different LECA components with different cellular localizations (a) and functions (b).
Correspondence analysis (CA) symmetric biplot showing differences between the localizations (a) and functions (b) of the families of various phylogenetic origins. In both cases, the first principal components, accounting for the largest percentage of variance explained, clearly separate the bacterial and archaeal (brown ellipse) eukaryotic origins, while the second components separate the alpha-proteobacterial (red dot) from the other bacterial origins (cyan ellipse). The numbers next to the principal axes (PC1-2) show the percentage of the total variance explained by each component. Both columns (functions or localizations) and rows (phylogenetic origins) are in principal coordinates. The colours of the arrows, cellular localizations (left), and functional categories (right), correspond to the categories and localizations of Fig. 2d and c, accordingly (see methods for more details). If a term cannot be categorized as above, the colour is grey. Dots are coloured according to the phylogenetic origin of the group as in Extended Data Fig. 1a (see also extended version of this figure in Extended Data Fig. 8).