ki |
biting rate, i.e. the number of bites per unit time on hosts from group i an individual vector has |
Ni |
host group i population size |
V |
vector population size |
r |
vector fixed birth rate |
N |
the total host population size, i.e. N = Nu + NT
pi |
the efficiency that an infected vector would infect a susceptible individual of host group i during one feeding event |
qi |
the efficiency that an infected individual of host group i would infect a susceptible vector during one feeding event |
δi |
recovery rate of host in group i, i.e. 1/δi is the infectiousness duration |
d |
vector death rate for coverage rate x (i.e. d is a function of x) |
basal vector death rate, i.e. death rate without treatment or without killing effect |
k |
the total biting rate of the vector, i.e. the number of bites per unit time of individual vector on the entire host population, i.e. k = kU + kT
gi |
the transmission ability of hosts in group i. gi = piqi/δi
L |
vector latent period |
x |
the treated population proportion, i.e. NT = xN and NU = (1 − x)N
post-biting handling time. The time the vector needs to handle a host from group i after a successful biting attempt |
pre-biting handling time. The time the vector spends when occupying with host individual of group i before biting it |
hi |
the total handling time of host on group i. The amount of time the vector needs to spend in handling hosts of group i in order to achieve a single bite |
bi |
the protection time. The average time units the vector needs for a successful biting attempt on host group i individual |
Ai |
the general searching efficiency, the number of bites per unit time on host group i incurred by a vector that forages in host i population with unit density (Ni = 1) and zero handling times |
ai |
host i searching efficiency. The attractiveness of hosts belong to group i
βi |
the probability that the vector would successfully bite an individual from host group i
η |
a constant that determines the ability of a treatment to increase the vector death rate, or alternatively, decrease its life expectancy |