DN = drive needle; GN = grasp needle; RN = rotate needle out of tissue; PN = pull needle; AD = adjustment gestures; LS = loop suture; GT = grasp suture tail through loop; PT = pull suture tail through loop; TK = pull ends of suture to tighten knot. The Y-axis shows the counts of a particular gesture (X-axis) performed within each maneuver. The dots in the Fig 4 represent mean values and the bars represent 95% bootstrap intervals. We observed statistically significant differences in the counts for ST_DN and OLK_TK between expert and novice trials by GRS-based definition for skill, for ST_GN, ST_RN, TLK_LS, TLK_GT, TLK_PT, TLK_TK, and TLK_AD between expert and novice trials by both experience- and GRS-based definitions for skill.