Fig 1. Composition of the colonic microbiota of BALB/c Tcra−/− mice after exposure to 12-week repeated water-avoidance stress.
(a) Bacterial taxonomic profiling of the colonic microbiota at the genus level. (b) Bacterial richness as represented by observed species rarefaction measured based on 1 to 75 000 sequences. Mean ± standard deviation. (c) Average unweighted UniFrac distance. (d) Principal-coordinates analysis plot based on the unweighted UniFrac distance. HET, Tcra−/+ mice not exposed to repeated water-avoidance stress (rWAS); CON, Tcra−/− mice not exposed to rWAS; LFW, Tcra−/− mice exposed to low-frequency (1 day) rWAS; HFW, Tcra−/− mice exposed to high-frequency (5 days) rWAS. PC1 and PC2 are the first two principal coordinates. * P < 0.05; n.s., not significant (P > 0.05).