Figure 4.
Excitability measures in the ILC. A,B) ILC neurons in EtOH mice (n=10) had a higher RMP (A; t(18) = 2.77, *p = 0.013) and lower Res (B; t(13) = 2.32, *p = 0.037) than those in CON mice (n=11). C) Representative traces of current-injected firing from ILC neurons in CON and EtOH mice during a ramp protocol of 120 pA/1 s at RMP, with stimulus waveform depicted below traces. D-E) There were no differences between CON and EtOH groups in the APT (D) or rheobase (E) during the ramp protocol (p's > 0.05). F) Representative traces of current-injected firing from ILC neurons in CON and EtOH mice during a step protocol of increased current steps of 10 pA/250 ms step, with stimulus waveforms depicted below traces. G) There was no difference between CON and EtOH groups in the relationship between current injection magnitude and the number of action potentials fired during the V-I plot at RMP (p's > 0.70).