Blood typing of native red blood cells (A1B RBCs) and enzyme-converted RBCs (A1B-ECO RBCs) by gel column agglutination technology.
The upper and lower gel card sections show reactions with A1B RBC and A1B-ECO RBC, respectively. As the gel technology is based on size exclusion, RBC at the bottom of the gel represent a negative reaction while RBC on top of the gel or in the column indicate a positive reaction. Native RBC (blood group A1B) are tested in parallel with the corresponding enzyme-converted RBC (A1B-ECO RBC).
The ABO-D blood typing card was from Diagnostic Grifols. Anti-A,B (Millipore) and anti-A1 (Shanghai Hemo-pharmaceutical & Biological Co., Ltd.) were added to the right two columns. A1B RBC agglutinate with anti-A, anti-B, anti-D, anti-C, anti-E, anti-A,B, and anti-A1 but show no self-agglutination. A1B-ECO RBC do not agglutinate with anti-A, anti-B, anti-A,B, and anti-A1, but show agglutination with anti-D, anti-C, and anti-E.
Ctl: control, buffered solution without antibodies.