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. 2016 Mar 8;7:75. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00075

Table 1.

Summary of prediction methods using machine learning and network topological features alone or combined with other features*.

Organisms ML algorithms Network type Network features Combined with other features? Train/test** References
S. cerevisiae NN, SVM PIN, GCN DC No Same Chen and Xu, 2005
S. cerevisiae WKNN, SVM, ensemble PIN DC Sequence-related Same Saha and Heber, 2006
S. cerevisiae
E. coli
NB PIN DC Sequence-related Same Gustafson et al., 2006
E. coli C4.5 decision tree PIN, TRN, MN DC No Same Silva et al., 2008
S. cerevisiae
E. coli
SVM PIN DC, BC, CC, KL, CCo, EI, CFD Sequence-related Same Hwang et al., 2009
S. cerevisiae Decision tree-based ensemble for prediction; single C4.5 decision tree for description PIN, TRN, MN DC, BC, CC, CCo, identicalness Related to functional annotation Same Acencio and Lemke, 2009
S. cerevisiae GEP PIN DC, BC, CC, SC, EC, IC, NC, PeC, WDC, ION Related to functional annotation Same Zhong et al., 2013
P. aeruginosa, E. coli, S. typhinurium SVM MN RUP, PUP, ND, APL, LSP, NS, NP, NNR, NNNR, CCV, DIR, CP, LS, NDR, NDC, NDRD, NDCD, NDCR, NDCC, NDCRD, NDCCD, BC, CC, EC, eccentricity centrality No Different Plaimas et al., 2010
E. coli, P. aeruginosa Ensemble GCN DC, BC Sequence and gene expression-related Different Deng et al., 2011
E. coli, S. cerevisiae, S. sanguinis, S. pombe FWM (NB, logistic regression, genetic algorithm) PIN DC, CC, BC, CCo Sequence and gene expression-related Different Cheng et al., 2013
E. coli, S. enterica, H. influenzae, V. cholerae, P. aeruginosa, Acinetobacter, F. tularensis, H. pylori, C. jejuni, C. crescentus, B. subtilis, S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, S. sanguinis, M. genitalium, M. pulmonis, M. tuberculosis, B. thetaiotaomicron, P. gingivalis, S. cerevisiae, S. pombe NB PIN DC, CC, BC, CCo Sequence and gene expression-related Different Cheng et al., 2014
N. crassa, A. fumigatus Ensemble GCN DC, BC Sequence and gene expression-related Different Lu et al., 2014

Abbreviations: NN, neural network; WKNN, weighted k-nearest-neighbor; SVM, support vector machine; NB, Naive bayes; GEP, gene expression programming; FWM, feature-based weighted Naïve Bayes model; PIN, protein-protein interaction network; GCN, gene co-expression network; TRN, transcriptional regulatory network; MN, metabolic network; DC, degree centrality; BC, betweenness centrality; CC, closeness centrality; KL, clique level; CCo, clustering coefficient; EI, essentiality index; CFD, common function degree; SC, subgraph centrality; EC, eigenvector centrality; IC, information centrality; NC, edge-clustering coefficient centrality; WDC, weighted degree centrality; RUP, reachable/unreachable products; PUP, percentage of unreachable products; ND, number of deviations; APL, average path length; LSP, length of the shortest path; NS, number of substrates; NP, number of products; NNR, number of neighboring reactions; NNNR, number of neighboring reactions; CCV, clustering coefficient value; DIR, directionality of a reaction; CP, choke point; LS, load score; NDR, number of damaged reactions; NDC, number of damaged compounds; NDRD, number of damaged reactions having no deviations; NDCR, number of damaged choke; NDCC, number of damaged choke point compounds; NDCRD, number of damaged choke point reactions having no deviations; NDCCD, number of damaged choke point compounds having no deviations.


Same, the sources of training and testing data sets are from same organisms; Different, the sources of training and testing data sets are from different organisms.