Table 3.
Different activated brain regions in patients with SLEs compared to patients without SLEs when stimulated by negative emotional pictures
AAL brain area | Cluster size | MNI coordinate | T value | BA Zoning |
Fusiform_L | 19 | −36 −48 −9 | −4.49 | 19 |
Occipital_Mid_R | 24 | 30 −96 −3 | 3.80 | 19 |
Occipital_Mid_L | 32 | −45 −81 6 | 3.99 | 19 |
Rolandic_Oper_R | 28 | 48 −3 12 | 5.08 | 13 |
Angular_R | 25 | 36 −57 48 | −3.57 | 40 |
Frontal_Sup_L | 18 | −21 6 42 | −3.32 | 9 |
Precuneus_R | 39 | 6 −69 51 | −4.04 | 7 |
Supplementary_Motor_Area_L | 33 | −6 −3 63 | 3.49 | 6 |
AAL, anatomical automatic labeling; R, right; L, left; Mid, middle; Sup, superior; Oper, operculum; MNI, montreal neurological institute
P < 0.05 and cluster size ≥ 19 (AlphaSim correction)