Efficiency of transient CD8-cell depletion by single injection of antipig CD8 antibody. Antipig CD8 monoclonal antibody was given at 28 days of age (PPD 28) and, to examine the efficacy of CD8 depletion, peripheral blood was collected from pigs in the AttHRV/HCKO/CD8− group 3 days later (PPD 31) to MNCs. MNCs were also isolated from ileum, spleen, and peripheral blood of pigs euthanized on PID 28 (PPD 33) or PCD 7. (a) Representative dot plots collected from blood at PPD 31. The figures in the top of (b) and (c) show those collected from blood and spleen, respectively, without semipurified AttHRV antigen stimulation, and those in the bottom show the representative dot plots with semipurified AttHRV antigen stimulation for 17 h. The first and second columns in (b) and (c) show the dot plots from HCKO/CD8− and HCKO pigs, respectively, at PPD 33. The last column shows those from HCKO/CD8− pigs at PPD 40. The numbers above the rectangles in dot plots are the frequencies of CD8 cells among lymphocytes. AttHRV, attenuated human rotavirus; PCD, postchallenge day.