ELISA mean OD values for rotavirus antigen (a) and infectious virus particles measured by cell culture immunofluorescence (b) in fecal samples of WT Gn pigs, HCKO Gn pigs, and CD8-depleted (CD8−) HCKO Gn pigs. Pigs were vaccinated with AttHRV or mock vaccinated and challenged with virulent human rotavirus. Rectal swabs were collected for 7 days after pigs were challenged at PID 28. Fecal samples from mock-infected pigs were used as negative controls. Fecal rotavirus antigen was measured by ELISA and results are expressed as OD units. The OD values were adjusted based on the average OD values of the negative controls from different ELISA plates. Data are presented as mean OD values/FFU/mL ± standard error of the mean (n = 3–5). Different letters on each time point indicate significant differences among groups (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.05), whereas shared letters indicate no significant difference. ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; FFU, fluorescent focus-forming units; Gn, gnotobiotic; OD, optical density.