Figure 2.
Photomicrographs of sections through the (osmium-stained) central nervous system (CNS) of P. marginemaculatus. (A) Sagital and (B–E) horizontal sections show (color-coded) olfactory glomeruli, OG (magenta); mushroom body calyces, MBC (cyan); mushroom body lobes, MBL (purple) and the arcuate body, AB (red). (A,D,E) The ventral neuromeres that supply the pedipalps (P), the antenniform leg (1) and the walking legs (2–4). Insets show the respective planes of sections and the labeled horizontal lines in (A) indicate the dorso-ventral depths of sections in (B–E). The mushroom body calyx in (B) is enlarged and rotated in (C) to show the distinct difference in glomeruli size. The cross sectional profiles (purple) in (B) reveal the complex and convoluted organization of the mushroom body lobes. The olfactory glomeruli in (D) are shown at a level 90 μm more dorsal with respect to (E). Arrows in (A) indicate tracts that are assumed to connect olfactory glomeruli with the mushroom body calyx. (F) Brain section of a huntsman spider (Olios giganteus), which is comparable in size to P. marginemaculatus. Note the considerably larger arcuate body in the spider compared to P. marginemaculatus, shown in (B). Unlabeled scale bars are 500 μm.