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. 2016 Mar 8;6:22291. doi: 10.1038/srep22291

Table 3. Summary of movement data for Antarctic blue whales generated by previous studies through Discovery marking, photo-identification and satellite tagging.

  Discovery marks33 Photo-identifications34,35,36,37, Olson pers. comm. Satellite tagging33
Austral summer seasons 1934/35–1966/67 1987/88–2014/15 2012/13
Number of individuals 2295 399 2
Number recaptured within a season 49 36 NA
Minimum movement within a season(degrees longitude; km) 0.10; 32 0.04; 3 16.12; 1433
Maximum movement within a season(degrees longitude; km) 76.45; 3516 24.69; 1172 75.06; 5300
Number recaptured between seasons 46 14 NA
Minimum movement between seasons(degrees longitude; km) 1.77; 122 0.47; 19 NA
Maximum movement between seasons(degrees longitude; km) 172.58; 6250 141.81; 6550 NA

The distances provided as km include latitudinal movements, and the movements within a season exclude those recorded on the same day. The “number of individuals” for Discovery marking is the number of mark deployments, however note that four individuals recaptured within a season, four recaptured between seasons, and one recaptured on the same day had two marks, and that one recaptured between seasons was morphologically identified as a pygmy blue whale33. The whale with the minimum movement detected by satellite tagging was also the whale with the maximum intra-seasonal photo-identification, with a photo-identification taken prior to tagging and on the day of tagging36. Two of the inter-seasonal photo-identification recaptures35 were also identified as recaptures using genetic methods40,43. One was a female identified in the current study as belonging to population 3 (estimated membership 0.474) and moved 131.70° longitude, the other was a male identified as belonging to population 1 (estimated membership 0.846) and moved 6.69° longitude. NA, not applicable.