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. 2016 Mar;39:154–164. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2015.12.006

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Functional neuroanatomical substrates for the analysis of spatial sounds and the effect of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Statistical parametric maps show all significant regional brain activations identified within the healthy control group (far left panels), the AD group (middle left panels), and in group comparisons (middle right panels); maps have been rendered on representative axial (top left) and sagittal sections of the study-specific group mean T1-weighted structural MR image. The MNI coordinate of each section plane is indicated (the axial section is tilted to display auditory cortical areas in the superior temporal plane (STP); the right hemisphere is shown on the right). Maps have been thresholded at p < 0.001 uncorrected for multiple comparisons over the whole brain, showing clusters >50 voxels, for display purposes; for healthy controls and group comparisons, clusters shown were also significant at threshold p < 0.05 after correction for multiple comparisons within prespecified anatomical regions of interest (see also Table 2 and Table S3). Contrasts were composed as follows: pitch variation (pitch − magenta), [(PcSc + PcSf) − (PfSc + PfSf)]; spatial variation (space − cyan), [(PcSc + PfSc) − (PcSf + PfSf)]; spatial-pitch interaction (interaction, red), [(PcSc–PcSf) − (PfSc − PfSf)]. Also shown (far right panels) are plots of beta weights (group mean ±1 standard error beta parameter estimates) at the peak voxel for the pitch variation contrast in the healthy control group (in anterior superior temporal cortex, top; not significant at the prescribed corrected threshold in the AD group), and for significant group comparisons in the spatial variation contrast (healthy control group greater than AD group in posterior cingulate cortex, middle) and the spatial-pitch interaction contrast (AD group greater than control group in posterior insula, below). Abbreviations: PcSc, pitch changing, spatial location changing; PcSf, pitch changing, spatial location fixed; PfSc, pitch fixed, spatial location changing; PfSf, pitch fixed, spatial location fixed. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)