Figure 6. see also Table S1: unc-104 is regulated by daf-16 and modulates the aging-associated motility decline of daf-2, longevity, and short-term memory.
(A) Alterations of unc-104 do not affect the body-bend behaviors of daf-2 in early-mid ages, but regulate the further motility decline in mid-late stages. Total animals analyzed: day1: 6 (daf-2), 7 (daf-2;unc-104), 8 (daf-2; Ex[Prab-3::unc-104]); day 22: 7 (daf-2), 11 (daf-2;unc-104), 7 (daf-2; Ex[Prab-3::unc-104]); day26: 18 (daf-2), 18 (daf-2;unc-104), 16 (daf-2; Ex[Prab-3::unc-104]); day 30: 21 (daf-2), 15 (daf-2;unc-104), 19 (daf-2; Ex[Prab-3::unc-104]); day 30: 21 (daf-2), 15 (daf-2;unc-104), 19 (daf-2; Ex[Prab-3::unc-104]); day 34: 20 (daf-2), 20 (daf-2;unc-104), 11 (daf-2; Ex[Prab-3::unc-104]); *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001. One-way ANOVA. The error bars stand for 95% confidence intervals (CI). (B–D) Lifespan analyses. (B) Upregulation of unc-104 in the nervous system causes medium extension of the lifespan of wild-type worms, which is abolished in daf-16 mutants. Total animals analyzed: wildtype: 187, unc-104(wy711): 153, Prab-3::unc-104: 93, daf-16(mu86): 254, daf-16;unc-104: 200, daf-16;Prab-3::unc-104: 109. (C) Alterations of unc-104 still modify the shortened lifespan phenotypes of hsf-1. Total animals analyzed: hsf-1(sy441): 244, hsf-1;unc-104: 194, hsf-1; Prab-3::unc-104: 182. (D) Alterations of unc-104 have subtle effects on the long lifespan phenotypes of daf-2 mutants. Total animals analyzed: daf-2(1370): 113, daf-2;unc-104: 176, daf-2; Prab-3::unc-104: 123. Log-rank analysis. (E-F) UNC-104 is required for the effects of DAF-2 in the maintenance of short-term memory in both day 1 (E) and day 5 (F) animals. Up-regulation of UNC-104 improves the short-term memory of daf-2 animals at d5 (F). Total replicates: day 1: daf-2(1370): 8, daf-2;unc-104: 8, daf-2; Prab-3::unc-104: 8; day 5: daf-2(1370): 12, daf-2;unc-104: 12, daf-2; Prab-3::unc-104: 12.*, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001. One-way ANOVA.