Figure 1. In vivo distribution of aromatase in the rat body.
Representative whole-body maximum-intensity-projection image of 11C-vorozole in female rat: coronal (A) and transverse (B) images. 11C-vorozole was highly accumulated in stomach (open arrows), adrenal glands (closed arrows), and ovarium (arrowheads). L = liver.
This research was originally published in JNM. Ozawa M, Takahashi K, Akazawa KH, Takashima T, Nagata H, Doi H, Hosoya T, Wada Y, Cui Y, Kataoka Y, Watanabe Y. PET of aromatase in gastric parietal cells using 11C-vorozole. J Nucl Med. 2011 Dec;52(12):1964-9. © by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Inc.