Figure 6. Irisin is a key mediator that induces browning of WAT.
A. mRNAs of BAT and beige genes in visceral fat tissue. B. Visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissues were immunostained for UCP1 (brown color). The percentage of UCP1-positive cells to the number of fat cells examined is shown in the right panel. C. Adipocyte-derived stem cells were treated with 20 nM, recombinant irisin. This raised the expression of PGC-1α and UCP1. D. Conditioned media from C2C12 cultured muscle cells lacking myostatin, stimulated the mRNAs of expression of BAT genes in adipocyte-derived stem cells. E. When the C2C12 conditioned medium was treated with a neutralizing antibody to Fndc5, the mRNAs of BAT genes were suppressed. (Results are mean ± SEM; *; p<0.05 vs. PBS or control).