FIG 2.
TLR9 stimulation induces phosphorylation of CD19, BTK and AKT in human B cells. A, Phosphorylation of CD19 was assessed by immunoblot in lysates from purified healthy control peripheral blood B cells stimulated or not for various time points with F(ab′)2 anti-IgM or TLR9 ligand CpG. B, Fold induction of CD19 phosphorylation after F(ab′)2 anti-IgM or TLR9 stimulation (mean±SEM; n=3). Phosphorylation of BTK, AKT, SYK and Igα was assessed in C. The numbers below each immunoblot indicate the fold induction of phosphorylation compared to the unstimulated sample. Data are representative of two independent experiments with similar results.