Figure 3. ER-stressors induce down-regulation of Mcl-1 in BCR-ABL+ and − ALL cells.
(A) Basal levels of Mcl-1 protein expression in CML (KU812, K562) and BCR-ABL+ ALL (SUPB15, TOM-1) cell lines. (B) Levels of Mcl-1 protein expression in SUPB15, NALM6, and NALM6 BCR-ABL cells treated with 2-DG (4 mM), tunicamycin (TUN, 1μg/ml), or thapsigargin (TG, 50nM) for 24 h. (C) Levels of anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic proteins in SUPB15 and NALM6 cells treated with 2-DG (4 mM) for 24 h. (D) NALM6 cells expressing either scramble shRNAs (shCTRL) or shRNAs against Mcl-1 (shMcl-1) were treated with 2-DG (4 mM) for 72 h and assayed for cell death using the ViCell XR Cell system. Insert shows Western blot analysis of Mcl-1 expression detected in the shCTRL and shMcl-1 expressing NALM6 cells treated with 2-DG for 24 h. Data represents the mean ± SEM (n=3). β-actin was used as a loading control. * denotes p<0.001.