Figure 9.
LM-mediated facilitation is reduced by half during BF stimulation. a, b, V1 L2/3 excitatory neuron visually evoked responses and CV recorded at the preferred orientation in the absence (baseline, filled circles) and presence of BF stimulation in conjunction with LM silencing. Circles joined by lines indicate paired measures of individual neurons (n = 12 neurons, 7 mice); plus signs indicate mean values. c, Impact of LM silencing expressed as percentage facilitation of the evoked response at the preferred orientationaveraged across excitatory neurons in the absence (control, n = 16 neurons, 12 mice; left) and presence (BF stim, n = 12 neurons, 7 mice) of BF stimulation. The predicted reduction (10.3%) for a linear relationship is plotted as a dashed line. Control values are replotted from Figure 3c averaged across PV neurons in the absence (right; control, n = 10 neurons, 5 mice) and presence (BF stim, n = 8 neurons, 5 mice) of BF stimulation. Data are mean ± SEM. d, Silencing and recording sites for the 7 animals in Group 2 were projected onto an averaged coordinate space as in Figure 2. The center of silencing and recording sites were located 967 ± 44 μm and 700 ± 50 μm from the lamboid suture, respectively, and separated by 985 ± 36 μm. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.001.