Figure 7.
Concurrent knock-out of R9AP and RGS7 causes no b-wave (nob) ERG phenotype. A, Representative ERG traces from dark-adapted WT, RGS7 KO, R9AP KO, and RGS7/R9AP DKO mice retinas elicited with scotopic flashes. B, Representative ERG traces from dark-adapted WT, RGS7 KO, R9AP KO, and RGS7/R9AP DKO mice retinas elicited with photopic flashes. RGS7/R9AP DKO mice have a nob ERG phenotype in both scotopic and photopic ranges and a normal a-wave. C, Comparison of ERG light responses of RGS7/R9AP DKO mice with those recorded in TRPM1 KO mice under scotopic (left) and photopic (right) conditions. Overlay of the representative traces reveals no apparent differences.