Figure 6.
OMP affects basal state of adenylyl cyclase. A, B, Both M71 OMP WT and KO ORNs were exposed for 1 s to acetophenone with (cyan trace) or without (gray trace) an 8 s pre-exposure to IBMX. C, D, Same experiments were performed with eugenol on mOR-EG-GFP ORNs. E, The odorant response after IBMX exposure divided by the control odorant response as a function of the IBMX response relative to the odorant response. Open circles indicates mOR-EG ORNs while filled circle are for M71 ORNs. n = 13–14 for M71 ORNs; n = 16–23 for mOR-EG ORNs. Values are significantly different: *p < 0.005, unpaired Student's t test. All data are expressed as mean ± SEM.