Deletion of ghrelin negates the protective effect of CR. A, CR significantly elevates plasma acylated ghrelin. B, C, Overall reduction in plasma insulin levels in response to CR in both genotypes. D, Representative images showing MPTP-induced TH cell loss in the SN and microglial (IBA) activation. E, F, Stereological quantification of TH neurons in the SN showing CR has no significant effect in MPTP-treated ghrelin KO mice (F) but is protective in ghrelin WT mice (E). G, H, Stereological quantification of IBA1 microglia in the SN shows elevated cell number following MPTP treatment but no effect of genotype. I, J, Stereological quantification of SN GFAP shows that MPTP administration increased GFAP cell number to a lesser extent in ghrelin WT compared with ghrelin KO mice. K, Representative images showing MPTP-induced astrocyte (GFAP) activation in the SN (TH, green; GFAP, red). Data are represented as mean ± SEM (n = 6–10, two-way ANOVA, p < 0.05). A, Significant compared with saline ad libitum controls. b, Significant compared with MPTP ad libitum controls. Scale bar, 50 μm.