Figure 7.
Chronic ghrelin injections increase nigrostriatal TH expression and AMPK activation in an AMPK-dependent manner. A, B, representative Western blot images of the SN (A) and striatum (B) showing TH levels. In both the SN and the striatum there is a significant protective effect of ghrelin administration on TH levels in AMPK WT mice (C, E) that is absent in AMPK KO mice (D, F). G, H, Representative Western blot images showing pAMPK, AMPK, pACC, and ACC levels in the SN (G) and striatum (H). There was no significant change in the pAMPK/AMPK (I, J) or pACC/ACC (M, N) ratio in the SN of AMPK WT or AMPK KO mice in response to MPTP or ghrelin. MPTP-induced an increase in the pAMPK/AMPK and pACC/ACC ratio in AMPK WT mice (K, O) but not AMPK KO mice (L, P). In the striatum, MPTP induced an increase in the pAMPK/AMPK and pACC/ACC ratio AMPK WT mice (K, O) but not AMPK KO mice (L, P). Q, R, Representative Western blot images of LC3 II expression in the SN (Q) and striatum (R). There was no significant effect of MPTP or ghrelin administration on LC3-II levels in the SN (S, T) or striatum (U, V). a, Significant compared with saline/saline controls. b, Significant compared with saline/MPTP controls. Data are represented as mean ± SEM (n = 6–8, two-way ANOVA, p < 0.05).