Figure 6.
AAI-DNA adduct formation catalyzed by human wild-type CYP1A1, 1A2 and 1B1, and their mutants CYP1A1-S122A, CYP1A2-T124V, and CYP1B1-A133S reconstituted with rat POR in liposomes. Data are averages ± SD of three independent measurements (n = 3). The average amounts of adducts generated in the reference system containing only POR were subtracted, in order to eliminate the background related to the reduction not catalyzed by individual CYPs. RAL, relative adduct labelling. N.D.—not detected. Numbers above columns (“F”) indicate fold changes in AAI-DNA adduct formation catalyzed by wild-type and mutant CYPs. Comparison was carried out by Student t-test; *** p < 0.001, different from wild-type CYP enzymes. Insert: Autoradiographic profile of AAI-DNA adducts generated by reaction of AAI with wild-type CYP1A1 reconstituted with POR and DNA utilizing the nuclease P1 version of the 32P-postlabelling technique.