Proportion of samples (RNA extracts from uninfected Avena sativa, Koeleria macrantha, and Andropogon gerardii leaves each mixed 9:1 with RNA extract from BYDV-PAV-infected A. sativa leaves) for which BYDV-PAV was positively detected using the regular (a) and modified (b) RT-PCR protocols (i.e., including a 10-fold dilution of RNA extract prior to RT, the addition of a proteinaceous amplification facilitator, T4gp32 in both RT and PCR, and the addition of five amplification cycles to the PCR step). Black, gray, and white circles indicate the Plant RNA Reagent, TRIzol, and TRI-Reagent, respectively, used to extract RNA from uninfected leaves. Each data point illustrates the proportion of positively detected 9:1 mixed RNA samples out of 20 tested samples. Error bars represent ±1 standard error of the means.