Table 2.
Medicinal plants used for treatment of cancer in the West Bank regions/Palestine
Scientific names/Common names/Arabic names/Voucher specimen code | Family | Part used, method of preparation (herbal formulation) and dosages | Cancer Type | Preparation method and administration | UV | |
1. | Allium cepa L./Onion / Basal/ Pharm-PCT-2703 | Amaryllidaceae | Bulb/About 20–40 ml of the bulb juice is to be given orally 7–8 times daily for four weeks. | Lung and stomach | Fresh bulb (oral) | 0.29 |
2. | Allium sativum L./ Garlic/Thom/ Pharm-PCT-2704 | Amaryllidaceae | Bulb/2–3 fresh cloves are eaten raw three times daily with meals. | Lung, Esophageal and breast | Fresh bulb (oral) | 0.46 |
3. | Mangifera indica L./ Mango/ Manga/ Pharm-PCT-2725 | Anacardiaceae | Fruits/About 300 ml of fresh fruit juice is to be given orally three times daily. | Colon | Fresh juice (oral) | 0.09 |
4. | Pistacia palaestina Boiss./ Mastic tree, Lentisk/ Sirees/ Pharm-PCT-1870 | Anacardiaceae | Leaves/Powdered leaves mixed with goat fat as paste, applied externally twice daily on cancer area. | Skin | Paste (topical) | 0.59 |
5. | Annona muricata L. / Soursop/ Keshta/ Pharm-PCT-2726 | Annonaceae | Fruit/One fresh fruit boiled with 100 ml syrup for five minutes; 20 ml of the produced syrup is to be given orally three times daily. | Bladder, prostate and colon | Syrup (oral) | 0.32 |
6. | Daucus guttatus Sm. / Wild Carrot/ Jazar barry/ Pharm-PCT-832 | Apiaceae | Seeds/About 100–130 powdered seeds steeped in water for 12 hours; 100 ml from the produced infusion is to be orally given four times daily. | Skin | Infusion (oral) | 0.02 |
7. | Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Fuss/ Parsley/ Bokdonas/ Pharm-PCT-2739 | Apiaceae | Fruits/About 500–600 grams from the ground dry fruits boiled with one liter water for 30 minutes; 300 ml of this decoction is to be given orally three times daily. | Kidney and bladder | Decoction (oral) | 0.16 |
8. | Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand./ Apple of Sodom, (mudar)/ A’oshar basek/ Pharm-PCT-472 | Apocynaceae | Aerial parts (latex)/ Ten grams from air dried latex from the fruits is boiled with 40 ml water; 20 ml of this decoct is to be given twice daily. | Skin | Decoction (oral) | 0.61 |
9. | Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don/ Vinca/ Wanaky/ Pharm-PCT-2728 | Apocynaceae | Entire plant/About 25grams from the powdered plant mixed with 30 ml water; this paste is applied topically once daily. | Skin | Paste (topical) | 0.47 |
10. | Nerium oleander L./Oleander/ Dafla/ Pharm-PCT-1636 | Apocynaceae | Entire plant/About 20 grams from the powdered plant are mixed with 50 grams lanolin; this cream is applied topically on the skin cancer area directly 4–5 times daily. | Skin | Cream (topical) | 0.53 |
11. | Arum dioscoridis Sm./ Spotted arum/ loof mobarkash/ Pharm-PCT-243 | Araceae | Leaves/Boil about 10 grams of the dried leaves with 100 ml water, fifty ml of this decoction is to be given orally before meal. | Liver and stomach | Decoction (oral) | 0.66 |
12. | Arum palaestinum Boiss./ Cuckoo pint / loof/ Pharm-PCT-246 | Araceae | Leaves/Boil about 10 grams of the dried leaves with 150 ml water, fifty ml of this decoction is to be given orally three times daily before meals. | Liver, colon, kidney and breast | Decoction (oral) | 0.63 |
13. | Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All./ David's harp / Khatem Soleyman/ Pharm-PCT-2727 | Asparagaceae | Rhizomes/Steep 2 grams from the powdered rhizomes with 100 ml water for 5 hours; 20 ml from this infusion is to be given orally three times daily. | Liver, brain and spinal cord | Infusion (oral) | 0.60 |
14. | Brassica oleracea L./Cabbage/ malfof/ Pharm-PCT-1930 | Brassicaceae | Leaves/100 ml from the fresh cabbage leaf juice is to be given 7–9 times daily. | Liver | Fresh juice (oral) | 0.46 |
15. | Sinapis arvensis L./Wild mustard/ Khardal/ Pharm-PCT-2284 | Brassicaceae | Seeds/Powdered seeds (2 g) given orally twice daily. | Bone | Powder (oral) | 0.47 |
16. | Capparis spinosa L./Caper bush/ Cobar/ Pharm-PCT-496 | Capparaceae | Roots/Crushed fresh roots (100 grams) mixed with 10 ml water, made into paste then applied topically once daily. | Bones cancer | Paste (topical) | 0.47 |
17. | Colchicum hierosolymitanum L./ Colchicum/Lohlah/Pharm-PCT-644 | Colchicaceae | Seeds/50 grams from the ground seeds mixed with 100 grams lanolin a are applied topically once daily on the tumor area. | Skin | Cream (topical) | 0.53 |
18. |
Achillea aleppica DC./ Yarrow/ Kaysoom/ Pharm-PCT-16 |
Compositae | Aerial parts/Steep 15grams from the plant with 100 ml water for 2 hours, 10 ml from this infusion is to be given internally twice daily. | Liver | Infusion (oral) | 0.11 |
19. | Cichorium endivia L./Common chicory/ Shokar/ Pharm-PCT-617 | Compositae | Flowers/Steep 100 grams from the plant with 100 ml water for 2 hours; 30 ml from this infusion is to be given once daily. | Stomach and colon | Infusion(oral) | 0.22 |
20. | Inula viscosa (L.) Aiton/False Yellow head/ Tayon/ Pharm-PCT-2738 | Compositae | Leaves/ Boil about 20 grams from the flowers with 100 ml water; 30 ml of this decoction is to be given orally three times daily before meals. | Kidney and bladder | Decoction (oral) | 0.32 |
21. | Matricaria aurea (Loefl.) Sch.Bip./ Golden Chamomile/Babonaj thahabi/ Pharm-PCT-1519 | Compositae | Flowers/ In case of lung cancer: Boil 50 grams flowers with 500 ml water; the vapor is inhaled twice daily for 10 minutes each time. In case of liver and prostate cancers: Boil 30 grams from the flowers with 300 ml water for 15 minutes; 100 ml from the decoction is to be given orally twice daily. |
Lung, liver and prostate | Vapor inhalation | 0.47 |
22. | Onopordum cynarocephalum subsp./Artichoke Cotton-thistle/ kondrees/ Pharm-PCT-1692 | Compositae | Flowers/ Steep 50 grams of the dried flowers with 100 ml water for one night; 50 ml from this infusion is to be given three times daily. | Stomach and colon | Infusion (oral) | 0.23 |
23. | Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn./Milk thistle Khorfeesh/Pharm-PCT-2282 | Compositae | Stalk/ 30 drops of celery stalk fresh juice is to be given orally every three hours. | Colon and skin cancer | Fresh juice (oral) | 0.32 |
24. | Taraxacum syriacum Boiss./ Common dandelion/Hindeba/ Pharm-PCT-2396 | Compositae | Leaves/ Boil about 60 grams from the dried powdered plant with 100 ml water for 15 minutes; entire decoction is to be given 3–5 times daily. | Pancreatic and gallbladder stomach | Decoction (oral) | 0.35 |
25. | Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad./ Bitter Gourd/Hanthal/Pharm-PCT-628 | Cucurbitaceae | Fruits/ About 150 grams from the powdered dried fruits mixed with equal quantity of lanolin; the produced cream applied topically twice daily. | Skin | Cream (topical) | 0.13 |
26. | Cucumis sativus L./cucumber/ kheyar/ Pharm-PCT-2737 | Cucurbitaceae | Seeds/ Steep 4grams of the ground seeds with 100 ml water for 12 hours; 10 ml from this infusion is to be given three times daily | Colon | Infusion (oral) | 0.07 |
27. | Ecballium elaterium (L.) A.Rich./ Exploding cucumber / Ketha’ alhemar/ Pharm-PCT-870 | Cucurbitaceae | Fruits (juice)/ / One fresh fruit pulp (about 25gram) juice is to be orally given five times daily | Throat and liver | Fresh juice (oral) | 0.17 |
28. | Ephedra alata Decne./ Ephedra/ Alanda/ Pharm-PCT-904 | Ephedraceae | Entire plant/ About 100 grams of the powdered plant boiled with 500 ml water for 5 minutes; 100 ml of this decoction is to be given orally twice a day. | Brain, liver and colon | Decoction (oral) | 0.72 |
29. | Arbutus andrachne L./Greek Strawberry Tree/ Kotlob/ Pharm-PCT-213 | Ericaceae | Fruits/ Boil 50 grams of the ground fruits with 100 ml water and 100 gram sugar; 20 ml of the produced syrup is to be given orally 5–6 times daily. | Stomach | Syrup (oral) | 0.06 |
30. | Euphorbia hierosolymitana Boiss./ Spurge/Halablabon/Pharm-PCT-988 | Euphorbiaceae | Entire plant/ Boil 50 grams from the plant with 150 ml water for 10 minutes; 5 ml of this decoction is to be given each 8 hours. | Ovarian, breast and prostate | Decoction (oral) | 0.59 |
31. | Quercus calliprinos Webb/ Palestine oak/ Baloot/ Pharm-PCT-1978 | Fagaceae | Fruits/ Boil about 20 grams from the fruits with 100 ml water, 20 ml of this decoction is to be given four times daily. | Colorectal | Decoction (oral) | 0.11 |
32. | Quercus ithaburensis Decne./ Valonia oak/Sendnyan/ Pharm-PCT-1980 | Fagaceae | Bark/ Mix 30 grams of the powdered bark with 100 ml lanolin then apply this cream on the cancer area. | Skin | Cream (topical) | 0.13 |
33. | Hypericum perforatum L./St.John’s Wort/ Oshbat ala’ran/Pharm-PCT-2734 | Hypericaceae | Flowers/ About 100 grams of the powdered flowers with 100 ml olive oil then filtered and 20 ml of the produced infusion is to be given orally twice daily. | Brain | Infused in olive oil (oral) | 0.05 |
34. | Crocus sativus L./ Saffron/ Za’faran/ Pharm-PCT-2733 | Iridaceae | Flowers/ Two grams of Saffron powder steeped in 300 ml camel milk; this milk infusion is to be given early morning once daily. | Liver and kidney | Infusion (oral) | 0.46 |
35. | Melissa officinalis L./Balm mint/ Torenjan/ Pharm-PCT-1564 | Lamiaceae | Aerial parts/ About 10 grams of the fresh leaves are given orally five times daily. | Lung and non-Hodgkin lymphoma | Fresh plant (oral) | 0.27 |
36. | Origanum jordanicum Danin & Kunne/Thyme/Za'atar/Pharm-PCT-1729 | Lamiaceae | Leaves/ About 50 grams of the leaves boiled in 500 ml water; inhale vapor three times daily, five minutes each time. | Lung, throat cancer | Vapor inhalation | 0.15 |
37. | Rosmarinus officinalis L./ Rosemary/ Hasa alban/ Pharm-PCT-2732 | Lamiaceae | Leaves/ About 20 grams of the leaves boiled in 600 ml water; inhale vapor three times daily, about ten minutes each time. | Lung cancer | Vapor inhalation | 0.10 |
38. | Salvia fruticosa Mill./ Sage/ Maryamya/ Pharm-PCT-2117 | Lamiaceae | Aerial parts/ Boil about 70 grams from the leaves with 300 ml water, the decoction is to be given four times daily. | Colon and liver | Decoction (oral) | 0.26 |
39. | Salvia palaestina Benth./Kosa’en(kharna) falestini/ Pharm-PCT-2124 | Lamiaceae | Leaves/ Fifteen grams of the leaves steeped with 100 ml water for 12 hours; 10 ml from this infusion is to be given twice a day. | Brain | Infusion (oral) | 0.19 |
40. | Teucrium capitatum L./ Teucrium/ Ja’da/ Pharm-PCT-2407 | Lamiaceae | Entire plant/ About 150 grams of the plant boiled for 10 minutes with water; 30 ml from the produced decoction is to be given once daily. | Pancreatic and liver | Decoction (oral) | 0.42 |
41. | Laurus nobilis L. / Bay/ Gaar/ Pharm-PCT-1366 | Lauraceae | Leaves/ Ten grams from the dried leaves boiled with 100 ml water; 20 ml of this decoction is to be given before meals 3–4 times daily | Prostate | Decoction (oral) | 0.25 |
42. |
Alhagi graecorum Boiss./ Camel-thorn/ ala’alook/ Pharm-PCT-65 |
Leguminosae | Fruits/ About 50 grams from the dried fruits boiled in 300 ml water; 10 ml of this decoction is to be given orally twice daily. | Glandular | Decoction (oral) | 0.13 |
43. | Glycine soja Siebold & Zucc./ Soy/ Soya/ Pharm-PCT-2731 | Leguminosae | Seeds/ About 100 grams of the seeds boiled in 500 ml water; 100 ml of this decoction is to be given orally 5–7 times daily. | Breast, ovarian and Hodgkin lymphoma | Decoction (oral) | 0.19 |
44. | Ononis viscosa subsp. sicula (Guss.) Hub.-Mor./ spiny restharrow/ Shabrak(wassem)/ Pharm-PCT-1686 | Leguminosae | Entire plant/ About 20–30 grams from the powdered plant boiled in 350 ml water; 10 ml of this decoction is to be given twice daily. | Prostate, stomach and breast | Decoction (oral) | 0.07 |
45. | Linum usitatissimum L./ Flax/ Ketan/ Pharm-PCT-2735 | Linaceae | Seeds/ Ground Seed (10 grams) are to be given orally three times daily. | Ovarian, breast and colon | Powder (oral) | 0.19 |
46. | Lawsonia inermis L./ Henna / Hena/ Pharm-PCT-2736 | Lythraceae | Leaves/ A paste from crushed fresh leaves (about 30 grams) are applied externally to affected areas. | Skin | Paste (topical) | 0.22 |
47. | Punica granatum L./ Pomegranate/ Romman/ Pharm-PCT-2730 | Lythraceae | Fruits (peels)/ About 500 grams of the fruit peels boiled in 1 liter water with 1000 grams sugar; 50 ml of this syrup is to be given twice daily. | Colorectal | Syrup (oral) | 0.27 |
48. | Ficus sycomorus L./ Sycamore Fig / Jomeez/ Pharm-PCT-1030 | Moraceae | Fruits/ One fresh fruit is boiled with 100 ml syrup for five minute; 20 ml of the syrup is to be given orally 4–6 times daily. | Lung | Syrup (oral) | 0.19 |
49. | Psidium guajava L./ Guava /Juafa/ Pharm-PCT-2720 | Myrtaceae | Leaves/ A decoction of 100 grams leaves is prepared in one liter water; 2–3 cups are taken orally per day until improvement occurs. | Lung and stomach | Decoction (oral) | 0.19 |
50. | Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers. / Broomrape/ Halook/ Pharm-PCT-1746 | Orobanchaceae | Roots/ About 500 grams of the ground roots boiled in one liter water for 30 minutes,; 50 ml of this decoction is to be given orally once daily. | Ovarian and breast | Decoction (oral) | 0.21 |
51. | Trifolium philistaeum var. filifolium Zohary/ Palestine Clover/ Barsem/ Pharm-PCT-2493 | Papilionaceae | Flowers/ About 50 grams of the flowers boiled in 60 ml water; 30 ml of this decoction is to be taken internally twice a day. | Ovarian, breast and non Hodgkin lymphoma | Decoction (oral) | 0.14 |
52. | Plantago lanceolata L./ narrowleaf plantain/ Lesan alhamal/ Pharm-PCT-1887 | Plantaginaceae | Leaves/ About 500 grams of the leaves boiled in 500 ml water; 100 ml of this decoction is to be taken internally 3–5 times a day. | Throat | Decoction (oral) | 0.29 |
53. | Triticum aestivum L./ Bread wheat/ Kameh/ Pharm-PCT-2540 | Poaceae | Seeds (husk)/ Powdered seed husks (10 grams) are given orally three times daily. | Colon | Powder (oral) | 0.44 |
54. | Portulaca oleracea L./ Little Hogweed/ Farfahena/ Pharm-PCT-1935 | Portulacaceae | Aerial parts/ About 100 grams of the plant boiled in 500 ml water; 30 ml of this decoction is to be taken 3–5 times a day. | Stomach and esophageal | Decoction (oral) | 0.47 |
55. | Cyclamen persicum Mill./ Cyclamen/ Sapoon alraa’e/ Pharm-PCT-777 | Primulaceae | Roots/ Twenty five grams of the ground roots boiled in 350 ml water; 30 ml of this decoction is to be given orally twice daily. | Prostate and bladder | Decoction (oral) | 0.21 |
56. | Nigella arvensis L./ Black cumin / Kezha/ Pharm-PCT-1640 | Ranunculaceae | Seeds/ About 100 grams of the ground seeds boiled in 330 ml water for 10–15 minutes; this decoction is to be taken 4–5 times daily | Lung, brain and skin | Decoction (oral) | 0.49 |
57. | Ziziphus spina-christi (L.)Desf./ Christ's Thorn Jujube/ Cedar/ Pharm-PCT-2693 | Rhamnaceae | Flowers/ About 100 grams of the flowers boiled in 500 ml water; 50 ml of this decoction is to be given internally 4–7 times daily. | Lung | Decoction (oral) | 0.31 |
58. | Crataegus azarolus L./ Azarole Hawthorn/ Za’ror/ Pharm-PCT-712 | Rosaceae | Fruits/ One kilogram of fresh fruit boiled with 1000 ml syrup for 30 minute; 50 ml of the syrup is to be given 5–6 times per day. | Lung | Syrup (oral) | 0.41 |
59. | Galium aparine L./ Stickyweed/ Satoor/ Pharm-PCT-1069 | Rubiaceae | Leaves/ Fifty grams of the leaves steeped with 100 ml water for one night; 10 ml from this infusion is to be given twice daily. | Hodgkin Lymphoma | Infusion (oral) | 0.11 |
60. | Salix alba L./ White Salix/ Sofsaf abyad/ Pharm-PCT-2093 | Salicaceae | Bark/ About 60 grams from the plant boiled with 500 ml water for 10 minutes; 50 ml of this decoction is to be given orally each 6 hours. | Colon | Decoction (oral) | 0.19 |
61. | Viscum cruciatum Sieber ex Boiss./ Mistletoe/ hedal/ Pharm-PCT-2662 | Santalaceae | Leaves/ About 500 grams from the powdered plant boiled with one liter water for 10 minutes; 50 drops of this decoction is to be given three times daily. | Esophageal | Decoction (oral) | 0.51 |
62. | Acer obtusifolium Sm./ Syrian Maple/ Kaikab/ Pharm-PCT-15 | Sapindaceae | Fruits/ About 500 grams of the fresh fruits boiled with 100 ml water and 100 gram sugar; 20 ml of the resulting syrup is to be given 6–8 times per day. | Throat and lung | Syrup (oral) | 0.21 |
63. | Verbascum sinuatum L./ Mullein/ A’awarwar/ Pharm-PCT-2604 | Scrophulariaceae | Leaves/ Five grams of the leaves boiled with 150 ml water for 30 minutes; 15 ml of this decoction is to be given orally twice daily. | Breast | Decoction (oral) | 0.59 |
64. | Capsicum annuum L/ Chili pepper/ Shatta/ Pharm-PCT-2729 | Solanaceae | Fruits/ Four fruits (100 grams) from the plant boiled with 200 ml water for 20 minutes; 5 drops of this decoction is to be given orally each 8 hours. | Skin, bladder | Decoction (oral) | 0.16 |
65. | Lycium europaeum L./ Box thorn/ A’wsaj/ Pharm-PCT-1487 | Solanaceae | Fruit/ About half kilogram from the fruit boiled with 500 ml water for one hour; 50 ml of this decoction is to be given once daily. | Bladder, prostate and breast | Decoction (oral) | 0.37 |
66. | Mandragora autumnalis Mill./Mandrake/ Tofah almajan/ Pharm-PCT-1509 | Solanaceae | Fruits/ Ten grams from the plant boiled with100 ml water for 30 minutes, 5 drops of this decoction is to be given twice daily. | Lung | Decoction (oral) | 0.21 |
67. | Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal/ Ashwagandha/ A’eba’b monawem/ Pharm-PCT-2678 | Solanaceae | Roots/ About 50 grams of the ground roots steeped with 100 ml water for 24 hours; 10 ml from this infusion is to be given twice daily. | Esophageal, skin and prostate | Infusion (oral) | 0.19 |
68. | Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze /Green Tea/ Shae akhdar/ Pharm-PCT-2706 | Theaceae | Leaves/ About 50 grams from the plant boiled with 300 ml water for 10 minutes; this decoction is to be given 6–8 times daily. | Breast, lung and ovarian | Decoction (oral) | 0.31 |
69. | Daphne linearifolia L./ Mezereon/ Mazeryon/ Pharm-PCT-825 | Thymelaeaceae | Fruits/ A decoction is prepared from 7 to 8 fruits (about 100 grams) boiled in 1 liter water and taken orally, 1 ml two times per day and taken for 14 days. | Lung | Decoction (oral) | 0.04 |
70. | Urtica urens L./ Small Nettle/ Korees harek/ Pharm-PCT-2562 | Urticaceae | Aerial parts/ About 100–120 grams of the plant boiled with 500 ml water for 30 minutes; 50 ml of the decoction is to be given three times daily. | Bones and stomach | Decoction (oral) | 0.51 |
71. | Curcuma longa L./ Turmeric/ Korkom/ Pharm-PCT-2709 | Zingiberaceae | Rhizomes/ About 500 grams from the ground dry rhizomes boiled with one liter water for 30 minutes; 300 ml of this decoction is to be given orally three times daily. | Prostate, bladder and liver | Decoction (oral) | 0.53 |
72. | Zingiber officinale Roscoe/ Ginger/ Zangabil/ Pharm-PCT-2724 | Zingiberaceae | Rhizomes/ About 100 grams of the ground dry rhizomes are boiled in 300 ml water for 10 minutes and given twice daily after meals. | Stomach and liver | Infusion (oral) | 0.51 |