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. 2016 Apr;106(4):698–706. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302977


Prevalence of Ever Engaging Frequently in Cancer-Related Risk Behaviors by Sex and Sexual Orientation in the Growing Up Today Study (n = 9958): United States, 1999–2010

Young Women, % or Mean (SD)
Young Men, % or Mean (SD)
Variable Lesbian (n = 80) BI (n = 136) MH (n = 961) CH (n = 4984) Total (n = 6161) Gay (n = 101) BI (n = 24) MH (n = 245) CH (n = 3427) Total (n = 3797)
Overall high cancer risk (≥ 2 of 4 risk composite categories) 35.0*** 31.6*** 28.5*** 18.9 20.9 30.7** 12.5 25.3* 19.2 19.9
 High substance use (≥ 2 of 3 risk behaviors) 27.5** 35.3*** 28.1*** 14.2 17.0 29.7 25.0 30.2 29.9 29.9
 High diet and physical activity (≥ 2 of 3 risk behaviors) 15.0 27.9*** 23.4*** 16.0 17.4 21.0 25.0 22.9** 15.8 16.4
 High ultraviolet radiation (≥ 2 of 4 risk behaviors) 47.5 29.2** 35.9*** 42.6 41.3 50.0*** 26.1 30.3 32.8 33.1
 Ever sexually transmitted infection 12.2 23.7** 22.8*** 14.8 16.2 14.4*** 0.0 5.8 4.4 4.7
Substance use risks, in past year
 Cigarettes (smoked ≥ 5 daily) 17.5* 29.4*** 21.1*** 8.6 11.1 18.8 16.7 20.4*** 12.5 13.2
 Ever other tobacco use (i.e., smoking cigars or chewing tobacco) 18.8 27.2*** 20.6*** 12.1 13.9 24.8 25.0 25.3 29.0 28.6
 Binge drinking (≥ 6 times) 61.3 61.8 67.7*** 53.5 56.0 68.3 66.7 66.1 64.0 64.2
Diet and physical activity risks
 Overweight or obese BMIa 42.5 49.3* 42.4 39.4 40.1 45.5* 66.7 52.2 56.6 56.0
 Vomited for weight control (≥ 1 per month in past year) 8.8 13.2* 12.4*** 7.4 8.4 4.1** 4.2 1.2 0.9 1.0
 Physically inactive in past year 31.7 44.9*** 36.4*** 29.8 31.2 39.2* 37.5 41.8*** 28.5 29.7
Ultraviolet radiation risks, past summer, except tanning booth
 Sun exposed (sometimes, often, or always) 85.7 76.5* 82.6 83.7 83.4 90.9 91.3 87.6 87.4 87.6
 Sunburned (≥ 5 times) 25.0 23.5 23.0 25.3 24.9 17.8 16.7 20.9 22.1 21.9
 Used sunblock (never or seldom) 15.0* 9.6 8.3 7.4 7.7 20.8 8.3 15.6 17.6 17.5
 Used tanning booth (≥ 10 times per year) 22.5** 21.3*** 31.3*** 41.6 39.3 24.0*** 8.3 5.7 7.2 7.5
Demographic characteristics in 1999
 Age in years 14.9 (1.6) 14.7 (1.5) 14.6 (1.6) 14.7 (1.6) 14.6 (1.6) 14.7 (1.7) 14.0 (1.4) 14.5 (1.7) 14.5 (1.6) 14.5 (1.6)
 Ethnic/racial minority background 3.8 7.4 5.8* 4.4 4.6 6.9 0.0 7.4 4.2 4.5

Note. BI = bisexual; BMI = body mass index; CH = completely heterosexual (the reference group to which each sexual-minority group was compared); MH = mostly heterosexual. Prevalence of frequently engaging in the risk behavior in any 1 of the longitudinal assessments is presented. Data for the composites of substance use and diet and physical activity were collected over 7 longitudinal assessments (1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2010); for ultraviolet radiation over 6 assessments (1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007); and for sexually transmitted infection over 3 assessments (1999, 2005, and 2007). Data for individual risk behaviors, including sexually transmitted infection, were collected over 7 or fewer assessments. Adjustments were made for sibling clusters in the analyses.


BMI was computed according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention algorithms.96–98

*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.