Figure 1.
Critical period manipulation of excitatory input and inhibitory output neurons of the mushroom body learning/memory circuit. A) Schematic illustrating developmental stages of analysis relative to the FMRP expression profile (Tessier and Broadie, 2008). B) Schematic depicting architecture of MB input excitatory cholinergic neuron AL-mPN2 (R65G01-Gal4 driver) and MB output inhibitory GABAergic neuron MBON-γ1pedc>α/β (MBON-11; R12G04-Gal4 driver). The membrane marker UAS-mCD8 is shown for MBON-11 (B1) and mPN2 (B2, B3) labeling soma, dendritic arbor and axon processes. Dashed boxes correspond to images. Abbreviations: MB, Mushroom body; AL, antennal lobe; ON, output neuron; SEZ, subesophogeal zone; IPm medial inferior protocerebrum; KC, Kenyon cell; LH, lateral horn; VL, vertical lobe; ML, medial lobe; mALT, medial antennal lobe tract; PN, projection neuron; VL1, ventrolateral glomerulus 1; AL-mPN2, antennal lobe medial projection neuron 2. Scale B1: 10μM, B2: 20μM, B3: 10μM.