WT, T cell- and B cell–deficient Rag2−/− (KO) mice or T cell-, B cell-, and NK/NKT cell-deficient Rag2/Il2rg−/− (DKO) mice were pretreated with neutrophil (Ly6G) depleting mAb (IA8) at 12 h and 2 h prior to L. pneumophila infection. Bacterial burdern in the lungs, leukocyte/neutrophil numbers and cytokine (IL-17A, IL-17A/F, and IL-17F) levels were determined at 72 h postinfection. For A-F, n=6-8 mice/group; *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01;***, p<0.001. Cont-Ab: Isotype-matched control antibody.