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. 2015 Dec 17;33(3):325–333. doi: 10.1007/s10815-015-0636-6

Table 4.

Correlations and statistical significance among male patients

Age at treatment Age at treatment (ABVD group) Age at treatment (BEACOPP group) ABVD vs. BEACOPP ABVD vs. eBEACOPP BEACOPP vs. eBEACOPP
Number of children before treatment p = 0.010 a p < 0.001 a p = 0.034 a p = 0.594b p = 0.782b p = 0.475b
Sperm cryopreservation p < 0.001 c p < 0.001 / p = 0.154d p = 0.276d p = 1.000d
Achieving pregnancy after treatment p < 0.001 c p = 0.043 c p = 0.185c p = 0.753d p = 0.512d p = 0.549d
In vitro fertilization/artificial insemination p = 0.826c / / p = 0.008 d p = 0.002 d p = 0.333d
Number of children after therapy p = 0.921a p = 0.129a / p = 0.674b p = 0.446b p = 0.384b
Aging male symptoms p = 0.382c p = 0.028 c p = 0.386c p = 1.000d p = 1.000d p = 1.410d
Severity of aging male symptoms p = 0.200e p = 0.806e p = 0.126e p = 0.426b p = 0.432b p = 0.937b

Italic values indicate statistical significance

/ statistical analyses could not be performed due to a small number of subjects in analyzed subgroup

aANOVA test

bMann-Whitney test

c t test


ePearson’s correlation