Table 4.
Correlations and statistical significance among male patients
Age at treatment | Age at treatment (ABVD group) | Age at treatment (BEACOPP group) | ABVD vs. BEACOPP | ABVD vs. eBEACOPP | BEACOPP vs. eBEACOPP | |
Number of children before treatment | p = 0.010 a | p < 0.001 a | p = 0.034 a | p = 0.594b | p = 0.782b | p = 0.475b |
Sperm cryopreservation | p < 0.001 c | p < 0.001 | / | p = 0.154d | p = 0.276d | p = 1.000d |
Achieving pregnancy after treatment | p < 0.001 c | p = 0.043 c | p = 0.185c | p = 0.753d | p = 0.512d | p = 0.549d |
In vitro fertilization/artificial insemination | p = 0.826c | / | / | p = 0.008 d | p = 0.002 d | p = 0.333d |
Number of children after therapy | p = 0.921a | p = 0.129a | / | p = 0.674b | p = 0.446b | p = 0.384b |
Aging male symptoms | p = 0.382c | p = 0.028 c | p = 0.386c | p = 1.000d | p = 1.000d | p = 1.410d |
Severity of aging male symptoms | p = 0.200e | p = 0.806e | p = 0.126e | p = 0.426b | p = 0.432b | p = 0.937b |
Italic values indicate statistical significance
/ statistical analyses could not be performed due to a small number of subjects in analyzed subgroup
aANOVA test
bMann-Whitney test
c t test
ePearson’s correlation