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. 2016 Jan 4;2016:1479637. doi: 10.1155/2016/1479637

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of the Latino Day Laborers.

n (%)
Ethnic background
Colombian 1 (0.7%)
Cuban 1 (0.7%)
Ecuadorian 6 (4.5%)
Guatemalan 11 (8.2%)
Honduran 9 (6.7%)
Mexican 97 (72.4%)
Nicaraguan 1 (0.7%)
Peruvian 2 (1.5%)
Puerto Rican 3 (2.2%)
Salvadoran 3 (2.2%)
Racial background
White/Caucasian 34 (24.8%)
African American 1 (0.7%)
Indigenous 50 (36.5%)
More than one race 48 (35%)
Legal status
United States citizen 16 (11.9%)
Naturalized citizen 12 (8.9%)
Permanent legal resident 19 (14.1%)
Work permit 24 (17.8%)
Nonimmigrant visa 14 (10.4%)
Noncitizen and not permanent legal resident 50 (37%)
Less than elementary school 61 (44.5%)
Completed elementary school but not high school 27 (19.7%)
High school diploma 2 (1.5%)
Associate degree 41 (29.9%)
Bachelor's degree 5 (3.6%)
Graduate or professional degree 1 (7%)
Skin type
Always burn, never tans 29 (21.5%)
Usually burn, tans with difficulty 5 (3.7%)
Sometimes mild burn, gradually tans to a light brown 24 (17.8%)
Rarely burn, tan with ease to a moderate brown 45 (33.3%)
Very rarely burns, tans very easily 17 (12.6%)
Never burns, tans very easily, deeply pigmented 15 (11.1%)
Educated in native country
Yes 115 (83.9%)
No 22 (16.1%)
Marital status
Single 45 (33.3%)
Married 69 (51.1%)
Separated 4 (3%)
Divorced 3 (2.2%)
Widowed 1 (7%)
Living with partner 13 (9.6%)
Living arrangements
Roommates 53 (39.8%)
Spouse 15 (11.3%)
Spouse and children 23 (17.3%)
Relatives 21 (15.8%)
Live-in partner 11 (8.3%)
Alone 10 (7.5%)
Type of work
Construction 57 (41.6%)
Roofing 4 (2.9%)
Landscaping 25 (18.2%)
Painting 15 (10.9%)
Cementing 2 (1.5%)
Lawn mowing 8 (5.8%)
Clean-up 1 (0.7%)
Welding 1 (0.7%)
Multiple 24 (17.5%)
Health insurance coverage
Yes 21 (16.3%)
No 108 (83.7%)
Household income (yearly)
Less than $20,000 95 (69.3%)
$21,000 to $30,000 41 (29.9%)
$31,000 to $40,000 1 (0.7%)

Mean (SD)

Age (years) 35.40 (9.89)
Lived in USA (years) 11.15 (9.48)