Early Stages of Colony Formation Determine Colony Morphology
(A) Fluorescence images overlaid with transmitted light images of AR16 (PrrnE-gfp) cells at the indicated time points during colony formation. Top: the leading cells of a developing colony at t = 4 hr were irradiated (red boxes). Bottom: an untreated colony followed in parallel, as a control. Circle marks the radial area occupied by a developing colony. Representative experiment out of four independent biological repeats.
(B) Different stages of the developing colonies in (A) were pseudo-colored and overlaid. Shown are irradiated (left) and non-irradiated (right) colonies. Color map corresponds to the different stages, with the blue circle representing the earliest time point. Note the blue and the white layers of Y-shape stages that mark the reach of the irradiated colony (left).
(C) An entire Y arm of a developing AR16 colony was irradiated (red box) and colony formation followed at the indicated time points by CLSM. White circle represents the position of the progenitor cell. Representative experiment out of 12 independent biological repeats. Scale bars represent 40 μm.