Heatmap showing the strength of tests of associations comparing cytokine levels for subjects with and without severe COPD or chronic bronchitis for each PAMP–cytokine level pair.
Notes: Each square corresponds to the P-value for one Student’s t-test comparing cytokine levels after stimulation with a PAMP between subjects with and without severe COPD (A) or with and without chronic bronchitis (B). For example, the square in the upper right corner shows the P-value for the Student’s t-test comparing MCP-1 levels in response to media (no PAMP) between those with and without severe COPD. *Student’s t-test comparing the mean log-transformed cytokine values for a given PAMP between subjects with and without severe COPD. **Student’s t-test comparing the mean log-transformed cytokine values for a given PAMP between subjects with and without chronic bronchitis.
Abbreviations: PAMP, pathogen-associated molecular pattern; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; G-CSF, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor.