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. 2016 Mar 10;11(3):e0150468. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150468

Table 2. Genetic variation in central and peripheral populations of O. rufipogon across six microsatellite loci a.

Populations Rs HO b HS FIS b t
DY 3.285 0.2292 (0.1363) *** 0.5770 0.603*** 0.248
LX 3.904 0.2549 (0.1810) *** 0.7472 0.659*** 0.206
GT 3.230 0.2444 (0.0807) *** 0.6790 0.640*** 0.220
NB 3.109 0.2222 (0.1721) *** 0.6471 0.657*** 0.207
ZX 4.133 0.3056 (0.2722) *** 0.8060 0.618*** 0.236
LA 3.671 0.5000 (0.2449) 0.7042 0.290** 0.550
TK 3.000 0.3333 (0.2041) 0.7222 0.538*** 0.300
KE 4.001 0.5500 (0.2429) *** 0.7683 0.284*** 0.558
QS 4.162 0.1933 (0.1275)*** 0.7793 0.749*** 0.144
SY 3.075 0.1053 (0.0815)*** 0.6498 0.837*** 0.089
LD 3.739 0.1600 (0.0912)*** 0.7345 0.781*** 0.123
SX 3.414 0.1933 (0.1628)*** 0.6630 0.703*** 0.174
EP 3.394 0.2431 (0.1997)*** 0.6617 0.633*** 0.225
ZC 3.842 0.1597 (0.0965)*** 0.7390 0.784*** 0.121
BL 3.660 0.1852 (0.0907)*** 0.7002 0.725*** 0.159
GZ 4.457 0.2419 (0.0860)*** 0.8040 0.699*** 0.177
Pooling central populations 3.518 (0.436) d 0.2170 (0.1185) 0.6640 (0.0633) 0.673 (0.157) 0.195 (0.136)
RP 2.501 0.1389 (0.1394)*** 0.4870 0.715*** 0.166
YD 3.641 0.2917 (0.1021)*** 0.7170 0.592*** 0.256
DX 2.389 0.0556 (0.0557)*** 0.4905 0.884*** 0.062
ZP 2.941 0.1078 (0.0443)*** 0.6271 0.826*** 0.095
CL 2.548 0.0750 (0.0524)*** 0.5046 0.844*** 0.085
Pooling peripheral populations 2.776 (0.512) 0.1360 (0.0938) 0.5560 (0.1028) 0.755 (0.119) 0.140 (0.079)
P-value c 0.0021 0.0471 0.0010 0.0946 0.136
Total 3.433 (0.570) 0.2281 (0.1234) 0.6766 (0.0958) 0.670 (0.157) 0.198 (0.131)

a Allelic richness (Rs), the observed heterozygosity (HO), the gene diversity within sample (HS), the heterozygote deficit within populations (FIS), and the estimate of outcrossing rate (t) for each studied population of O. rufipogon across six loci; mean values (Rs, HO, HS, FIS and t) are also given by pooling all central and peripheral populations, respectively.

b Statistically significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations are indicated by

** (P < 0.01) and

*** (P<0.001).

c The two-sided P-values obtained after 1,000 permutations.

d The standard deviations of the means are given in the parenthesis.