(A) CNO delivery to PV-Cre mice that had been infected with AAV9-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCitrine impacted VEP magnitude (red) significantly across a range of contrast compared to baseline (black). (B) SRP was induced to two differently oriented stimuli, each at different contrast values: 50% (gray) and 100% (black). Modest but significant SRP was expressed at 50% contrast prior to CNO application. After CNO application (red outlines), VEPs increased significantly in magnitude but were no longer significantly different for familiar and a second novel orientation. (C) SRP was also expressed for a different orientation at 100% contrast and, again, VEP magnitude was increased and SRP blocked by delivery of CNO. (D) The blockade of SRP expression by CNO at 50% contrast was apparent in the reduction in the familiar/novel ratio for VEP magnitude. (E) The blockade of SRP expression at 100% contrast was also observed as a significant drop in familiar/novel ratio of VEP magnitude after CNO delivery. Significant comparisons are marked with an asterisk throughout while non-significant comparisons are marked with n.s. Error bars are standard error of the mean (S.E.M.).
Figure 4—source data 1. PV-neuron inactivation does not produce ceiling effect.