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. 2016 Feb 26;5:e10528. doi: 10.7554/eLife.10528

Table 1.

Fold induction of p53-related genes in the ALS model SOD1 (G86R).


Gene name Function 90 d. 105 d.
p53-family target genes
Cdkn1a (p21) Cell cycle arrest 4 13
Gadd45a Cell cycle arrest 5,6 21
Peg3 Apoptosis inducing 3 7
Perp Cell cycle arrest 4 12
Pmaip1 Apoptosis effector 5 12
Bax Apoptosis effector 3 8
Siva Apoptosis inducing 3 5
Zmat3 Growth regulation 1,6 1,1
Eda2R NF.Kb/JNK pathway 3,4 9,4
Tigar Glucose metabolism 0,75 0,2
Sens1 ROS homeostasis - 16,3
Sens2 ROS homeostasis 1,27 1,46
Sco2 Glucose metabolism 1,18 0,91
Ddit3 (Chop) ER stress 1,14 0,35
Bip (Grp78) ER stress 1,25 1,08
Xbp1 ER stress 2 2,51
p53-family regulators
Mlf1 Cell cycle arrest/differentiation 0,9 0,2
Myf6 Differentiation 4 7
Mdm2 p53 degradation 4 6
Txn1 Oxidative stress response 4 6
Id2 Inhibition of differentiation 2 3,1
p53-family members
P53 4 3
TAp63 4 12
∆Np63 0,5 0,3
TAp73 2 3
∆Np73 0,9 0,8
Denervation/atrophy markers
Chrna1 (ACh Receptor alpha) Neuromuscular junction 4,2 12,4