D) Simultaneous recordings of dendritic Ca
2+ transients and firing responses that were obtained from a single dTrpA1-A-expressing Class IV neuron. One second IR-laser irradiation (red bars above traces in A) was targeted to the proximal dendritic arbors, and the output power was raised from 10 to 18 mW in steps of 2 mW. (
A) Dendritic Ca
2+fluctuations (top) and an enlarged trace of extracellular recording for 1.4 s (from –0.2 to 1.2 s) including the duration of IR-laser irradiation (bottom). Colors represent trials at the indicated power settings (e.g. the green traces are from the same trials with 14-mW IR-laser power). The red arrows indicate the occurrences of US. The following three measurements of two neurons are plotted in (
D): the maximum firing rates (Max. Firing Rate [Hz];
B), the peak amplitudes of Δ
R (Δ
Rpeak [%];
C), and the number of occurrences of US (US number;
D). The firing rate was almost linearly correlated to the laser power (
B); on the other hand, the peak amplitude of the Ca
2+ transient and the number of accompanied USs abruptly rose at power settings above 14 mW (
n = 3 cells;
C and
D). These occurrences of both the 'burst and pause' firing pattern and the Ca
2+ transient above a certain threshold in the TrpA1-A
+ neurons is comparable to the responses of the wild-type neurons (compare
Figure 3—figure supplement 2A with
Figure 1D, and
Figure 3—figure supplement 2B with
Figure 1E), except for the fact that the TrpA1-A
+ neuron continued to respond to the repetitive IR-laser irradiations onto the identical location within the dendritic tree. (
E) Effects of Nimodipine on the firing responses of neurons ectopically expressing dTrpA1-A, tested at three different output powers. The firing responses are presented as the spike density estimation computed by using a Gaussian filter kernel (
σ = 12 ms) as in
Figure 3—figure supplement 1C. The peaks and troughs of the spike density fluctuations clearly show the occurrences of USs clearly in the control neurons (left, blue traces). By contrast, the traces from Nimodipine-treated neurons display much flatter transitions (right, magenta traces). The red bars above the traces and the magenta shading indicate the timings of IR-laser irradiations. Genotype:
w; 3×[ppk-TNXXL] (attP40)/+;