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. 2016 Jan 11;291(11):5596–5610. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.709212


X-ray crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics

Statistics for the highest resolution shell are shown in parentheses. The coordinates and structure factors of Se-Met XEELCRD and XEELCRD-GroP complex were deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 4WMO and 4WN0, respectively.

Statistics Se-Met XEELCRD XEELCRD-GroP complex
Data collection
    Wavelength (Å) 0.97924 0.97856
    Resolution range (Å) 30.10–2.30 (2.38–2.30) 30.2–2.20 (2.28–2.20)
    Space group P 21 P 6
    Unit cell (Å) 123.6, 111.1, 123.6, 124.6, 124.6, 55.6,
90, 119.7, 90 90, 90, 120
    Total reflections 991,049 285,681
    Unique reflections 129,043 (12,885) 25,366 (2,526)
    Multiplicity 7.7 (7.7) 11.3 (11.1)
    Completeness (%) 100 (100) 100 (100)
    Mean I/σ(I) 13.7 (2.6) 19.4 (3.2)
    Wilson B-factor (Å2) 21.0 29.6
    R-merge 0.168 (0.625) 0.127 (0.755)
    R-meas 0.180 (0.670) 0.133 (0.792)
    R-pim 0.065 (0.241) 0.040 (0.237)

    Resolution range (Å) 30.10–2.30 (2.38–2.30) 29.93–2.20 (2.25–2.20)
    R-factor 0.1597 (0.2152) 0.1515 (0.1977)
    R-free (5%) 0.1881 (0.2673) 0.1692 (0.2363)
    Number of atoms
        Protein 12,927 2,151
        Calcium 18 3
        GroP 10
        Water 1,470 166
    Protein residues 1,662 277
    r.m.s.d. (bonds, Å) 0.011 0.010
    r.m.s.d. (angles, °) 1.170 1.089
    Est. coordinate error (ML, Å) 0.21 0.17
    Ramachandran favored (%) 96.1 95.7
    Ramachandran outliers (%) 0 0
    Average B-factor (Å2)
        Protein 13.0 24.2
        Calcium 7.8 17.3
        GroP 38.0
    Solvent 24.4 33.7