PVN Sirt1 activation enhances adrenal activity in DIO rats. DIO rats were intra-PVN-infused with SA3 (3–6 μg) or vehicle beginning at 3 p.m. on day 1 and once more beginning at 9 a.m. the following day. Rats were sacrificed a few hours later. A–D, trunk blood was collected, and serum was isolated and analyzed for parameters indicative of adrenal and thyroid activity. A, GC (n = 7 vehicle and 9 SA3). B, ACTH (n = 4 vehicle and 5 SA3). C, T3 (n = 8 vehicle and 9 SA3), and D, T4 (n = 8 vehicle and 9 SA3). E, anterior pituitary was dissected and assayed by RIA. F, anterior pituitary was assayed by Western blot for POMC. POMC (n = 6/group). G, PC1 (n = 5 vehicle and 6 SA3), and H, CPE (n = 4/group). Data are mean ± S.E. *, p value < 0.05.