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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Mar 11.
Published in final edited form as: JAMA. 2015 Sep 8;314(10):1039–1051. doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.10244

Table 1.

Maternal and infant characteristics for 34636 infants born at GA 22–28 weeks in NRN centers January 1, 1993 – December 31, 2012

P-value for linear trend 1993–2012b

Maternal characteristicsa

Maternal age, y
 Mean (SD) 27.0 (6.6) 25.7 (6.5) 27.8 (6.3) 26.3 (6.7) 26.8 (6.7) 27.2 (6.6) 27.5 (6.4) <0.001

Race/ethnicity, No. (%) <0.001
 Black, non-Hispanic 14472 (42) 781 (55) 751 (39) 3450 (49) 3908 (43) 3745 (39) 3369 (38)
 White, non-Hispanic 13124 (38) 451 (31) 796 (42) 2483 (35) 3491 (38) 3557 (37) 3593 (41)
 Hispanic 5563 (16) 174 (12) 262 (14) 903 (13) 1425 (16) 1825 (19) 1410 (16)
 Other 1377 (4) 26 (2) 101 (5) 179 (3) 280 (3) 450 (5) 468 (5)

≥ 1 prenatal visit, No. (%) 32235 (93) 1233 (87) 1835 (97) 6296 (90) 8498 (93) 8997 (94) 8444 (96) <0.001

Insulin-dependent diabetes, No. (%) 1317 (4) 28 (2) 96 (5) 136 (2) 302 (3) 436 (5) 443 (5) <0.001

Hypertension, No. (%)
 All infants 6991 (20) 172 (12) 508 (27) 1067 (15) 1607 (18) 2121 (22) 2196 (25) <0.001
 By GA, w
  22 94 (6) 2 (3) 6 (8) 13 (4) 19 (4) 34 (8) 28 (8)
  23 242 (8) 2 (2) 25 (17) 21 (3) 49 (6) 84 (10) 88 (11)
  24 596 (13) 10 (6) 49 (18) 67 (8) 122 (10) 198 (14) 209 (17)
  25 1014 (19) 23 (10) 86 (28) 139 (13) 241 (17) 304 (20) 330 (24)
  26 1289 (22) 30 (12) 93 (28) 206 (17) 297 (19) 392 (25) 394 (26)
  27 1684 (25) 49 (17) 116 (33) 282 (21) 374 (22) 498 (27) 530 (31)
  28 2072 (28) 56 (18) 133 (32) 339 (22) 505 (26) 611 (30) 617 (33)

Infant characteristics

Multiple birth, No. (%) 8448 (24) 265 (18) 521 (27) 1466 (21) 2265 (25) 2406 (25) 2311 (26) <0.001

Gestational age, wc
 Mean (SD) 25.7 (1.8) 25.8 (1.8) 25.8 (1.8) 25.7 (1.8) 25.7 (1.8) 25.7 (1.8) 25.8 (1.8) 0.11
 Category, No. (%)
  22 1550 (4) 79 (6) 75 (4) 358 (5) 437 (5) 421 (4) 334 (4)
  23 3133 (9) 122 (9) 150 (8) 660 (9) 821 (9) 873 (9) 779 (9)
  24 4762 (14) 163 (11) 269 (14) 871 (12) 1273 (14) 1377 (14) 1241 (14)
  25 5361 (15) 225 (16) 308 (16) 1070 (15) 1397 (15) 1503 (16) 1391 (16)
  26 5829 (17) 250 (17) 333 (17) 1194 (17) 1542 (17) 1580 (16) 1513 (17)
  27 6627 (19) 283 (20) 357 (19) 1337 (19) 1720 (19) 1837 (19) 1733 (20)
  28 7374 (21) 311 (22) 430 (22) 1537 (22) 1942 (21) 2009 (21) 1886 (21)

BW, g
 Mean (SD) 840 (241) 857 (245) 847 (241) 847 (244) 837 (240) 836 (241) 843 (238) 0.01

Male, No. (%) 18104 (52) 748 (52) 980 (51) 3657 (52) 4743 (52) 5104 (53) 4600 (52) 0.82

Small for GA, No. (%)d
 All infants 2497 (7) 90 (6) 135 (7) 445 (6) 674 (7) 722 (8) 656 (7) 0.01
 By GA, w
  22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  23 95 (3) 2 (2) 9 (6) 15 (2) 23 (3) 32 (4) 25 (3)
  24 275 (6) 5 (3) 14 (5) 36 (4) 72 (6) 86 (6) 81 (7)
  25 401 (7) 15 (7) 23 (8) 68 (6) 109 (8) 116 (8) 108 (8)
  26 492 (8) 21 (8) 34 (10) 93 (8) 140 (9) 130 (8) 129 (9)
  27 554 (8) 20 (7) 25 (7) 102 (8) 137 (8) 178 (10) 137 (8)
  28 680 (9) 27 (9) 30 (7) 131 (9) 193 (10) 180 (9) 176 (9)

Major birth defect, No. (%) 1292 (4) 50 (3) 87 (5) 342 (5) 283 (3) 336 (4) 331 (4) 0.25

Information was missing as follows: mother’s age, 6 infants; prenatal care, 71 infants; maternal diabetes, 66 infants; maternal hypertension, 70 infants; maternal race/ethnicity, 100 infants; gender, 6 infants; small for GA, 6 infants. Infants with black or white maternal race and missing ethnicity were classified as non-Hispanic (2% of blacks, 0.4% of whites). Maternal hypertension was collected as hypertension/pre-eclampsia/eclampsia prior to 2006; beginning 2006 the question was re-worded to ask about hypertension only.


P-values for linear trend across all years were determined by the F or Wald chi-square test from linear or logistic regression models, with adjustment for study center, maternal race/ethnicity, infant gestational age, SGA, and sex except as noted. Models assessing yearly change in maternal race/ethnicity included study center, infant GA, SGA, sex, and year. Models assessing yearly change in GA included study center, maternal race/ethnicity, infant sex, and year. Models assessing yearly change in BW and SGA included study center, maternal race/ethnicity, infant GA, sex, and year. Maternal hypertension, infant GA and small for GA are shown by GA for descriptive purposes only; tests of linear trend were not conducted separately by GA.


Gestational age was assessed using the following hierarchy: (1) by obstetrical measures based on last menstrual period, obstetrical parameters, and/or prenatal ultrasound as recorded in the maternal chart; or (2) by neonatologist’s estimate based on physical criteria, neurologic examination, combined physical and gestational age exam (Ballard or Dubowitz), or examination of the lens.


Small for gestational age was defined as birthweight <10th percentile for age and sex based on Alexander percentiles.9