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. 2015 Oct 3;43(20):9626–9644. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv994

Table 2. Outcome of all 48 simulations (200 ns each) of the antiparallel d[AGGGTTAGGGT] hairpin.

Groove width s/a pattern Water and ionic parametersa
5′-asa–-sas-3′ 5′-saassa-3′ 5′-ssasaa-3′ 5′-sasasa-3′
Narrow P: 2,3 tW; 1 O P: 2,3 tW; G* P: 1,2,3 tW TIP3P NaCl J&C
P: 1,2,3 tW P: 1,2,3 tW P: 1,2,3 tW; G* TIP3P KCl J&C
P: 2,3 tW P: 1,2,3 tW P: G; 1 O TIP3P NaCl Aq.
P: 2,3 tW SPC/E KCl Aq.
P: 1,2,3 tW P: G; 1 O SPC/E KCl Dang
Wide U: 1,2 tW P: 1,2,3 tW U: S5*; 1,2,3 O TIP3P NaCl J&C
U: S5 P: S5 U: 1,2,3 O TIP3P KCl J&C
3 O P: 1,2,3 tW U: S5 P: S5 TIP3P NaCl Aq.
3 O U: S5 SPC/E NaCl J&C
U: S5 P: S5 P: 1 O SPC/E KCl Aq.
U: 1,2,3 O P: S5 P: 1,2 O SPC/E KCl Dang

Length of the simulations is 200 ns. See the legend of the Table 1 for further details.

aJ&C: TIP3P-adapted or SPC/E-adapted Joung & Cheatham parameters; Aq: Amber-adapted Aquist Na+ with Dang & Smith Cl parameters; Dang: Dang K+ with Dang & Smith Cl paremeters.