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. 2015 Dec 29;202(2):843–855. doi: 10.1534/genetics.115.183376

Reconciling Differences in Pool-GWAS Between Populations: A Case Study of Female Abdominal Pigmentation in Drosophila melanogaster

Lukas Endler 1, Andrea J Betancourt 1, Viola Nolte 1, Christian Schlötterer 1,1
PMCID: PMC4788253  PMID: 26715669


The degree of concordance between populations in the genetic architecture of a given trait is an important issue in medical and evolutionary genetics. Here, we address this problem, using a replicated pooled genome-wide association study approach (Pool-GWAS) to compare the genetic basis of variation in abdominal pigmentation in female European and South African Drosophila melanogaster. We find that, in both the European and the South African flies, variants near the tan and bric-à-brac 1 (bab1) genes are most strongly associated with pigmentation. However, the relative contribution of these loci differs: in the European populations, tan outranks bab1, while the converse is true for the South African flies. Using simulations, we show that this result can be explained parsimoniously, without invoking different causal variants between the populations, by a combination of frequency differences between the two populations and dominance for the causal alleles at the bab1 locus. Our results demonstrate the power of cost-effective, replicated Pool-GWAS to shed light on differences in the genetic architecture of a given trait between populations.

Keywords: GWAS, genome-wide association study, pigmentation, dominance, Drosophila melanogaster, pooled sequencing

INSIGHT into the genetic basis of phenotypic variation within species is essential to understanding short-term evolutionary change, as phenotypic variation is an important substrate for natural selection. This endeavor has benefited from the steep decrease in the cost of rapid genotyping techniques, including DNA sequencing, which facilitates the mapping of traits using either genetic crosses (i.e., quantitative trait mapping), or statistical association studies [i.e., genome-wide association studies (GWAS), reviewed in Visscher et al. 2012]. As a result, it is now feasible to replicate association studies in multiple samples. One question we can therefore address is whether the same loci and alleles underlie phenotypic variation in different populations of species with broad geographic distributions or whether the alleles tend to be population specific. Human disease studies sometimes attempt to replicate the results of genome-wide association studies in additional populations, with varying success (e.g., Li et al. 2008; Ng et al. 2008; Siontis et al. 2010). Results for disease traits, however, may not be representative of those for adaptive traits. Genetic diseases are probably most often due to unconditionally deleterious alleles kept at low frequency by purifying selection and thus likely to be population specific due to their rarity (Ioannidis et al. 2009, 2011; Gorlov et al. 2014). Data for adaptively varying traits are sparser than those for diseases. The best-studied examples are lactase persistence in humans, which is due to several independently derived alleles, the frequency of which differs among geographic regions (Ingram et al. 2009; Itan et al. 2010; Ranciaro et al. 2014), and cryptic coat coloration in mice, for which the genetic basis also differs between populations (Hoekstra and Nachman 2003; Hoekstra et al. 2006).

Here, we replicate a study of abdominal pigmentation in Drosophila melanogaster (Bastide et al. 2013), originally done in two European populations, in a geographically distant African population. Pigmentation in D. melanogaster is a useful trait for this purpose for several reasons. First, the underlying genetic pathways are well described, with most of the characterized genes playing a role in either biochemical synthesis of the pigments or sexually dimorphic and spatial regulation of the pigment-synthesis genes (Wittkopp et al. 2003; Gompel et al. 2005). Second, this trait is both highly variable and highly heritable (Robertson et al. 1977; Gibert et al. 1998a; Pool and Aquadro 2007; Dembeck et al. 2015), with a reasonably simple genetic basis, qualities that render the genetics underlying this variation tractable to statistical analysis. Finally, spatial patterns of variation in this trait suggest that it is ecologically important. In particular, both thoracic and abdominal pigmentation patterns vary strongly with altitude and latitude (David et al. 1985; Capy et al. 1988; Munjal et al. 1997; Pool and Aquadro 2007; Telonis-Scott et al. 2011), with independent clines found on different continents. In the ancestral range in Africa, geographic variation is most strongly associated with levels of UV radiation, consistent with higher UV tolerance of darkly pigmented flies compared to lightly pigmented ones (Bastide et al. 2014).

There have been several previous studies of pigmentation variation in Drosophila, describing the genetic basis of variation in abdominal pigmentation between species and between sexes (Llopart et al. 2002; Wittkopp et al. 2003; Gompel et al. 2005; Jeong et al. 2006, 2008; Williams et al. 2008; Rogers et al. 2013, 2014; Salomone et al. 2013) and of variation in thoracic and abdominal pigmentation within species (Robertson et al. 1977; Pool and Aquadro 2007; Takahashi et al. 2007; Wittkopp et al. 2010; Bickel et al. 2011; Takahashi and Takano-Shimizu 2011; Cooley et al. 2012; Bastide et al. 2013; Rogers et al. 2014; Dembeck et al. 2015). The latter studies are the most relevant here. Thoracic pigmentation phenotypes, including differences between African strains and variation along a latitudinal cline, map to major effect loci near ebony, a pigment synthesis gene (Takahashi et al. 2007; Takahashi and Takano-Shimizu 2011; Telonis-Scott et al. 2011). Abdominal pigmentation variation has a slightly more complex genetic basis and has been attributed to variants at three loci: bric-à-brac (bab), tan, and ebony (Robertson et al. 1977; Kopp et al. 2003; Pool and Aquadro 2007; Bickel et al. 2011; Bastide et al. 2013; Dembeck et al. 2015). All three of these loci have well-described roles in pigmentation. bab, which comprises two protein-coding genes (bab1 and bab2), is a spatial regulator of sexual dimorphic pigmentation at the tip of the abdomen (Robertson et al. 1977; Kopp et al. 2000; Williams et al. 2008); and tan, like ebony, is involved in pigment synthesis (True et al. 2005). Two independent association studies have resulted in genome-wide, fine-resolution maps of associations at these loci (Bastide et al. 2013; Dembeck et al. 2015). Both implicate variants in cis-regulatory elements at tan, bab, and ebony, although the loci with the largest effect varied between studies. In the Bastide et al. (2013) study, the variants with the strongest effect lay upstream of the tan gene, in a cis-regulatory element called the male-specific enhancer (MSE). The MSE has also been implicated in the pigmentation differences between D. santomea and D. yakuba (Jeong et al. 2008). Variants in a regulatory element of bab1 [the dimorphic element (DME)] played a significant, but minor role, and those upstream of ebony were of borderline significance. Dembeck et al. (2015), in contrast, found the bab locus had a major effect on pigmentation variation, while tan and ebony and other loci had minor effects.

In this study, we replicate the Bastide et al. (2013) study in a South African population of D. melanogaster, using the pooled genome-wide association study (Pool-GWAS) approach, but with some important modifications. Although we find that the same variants appear to be causal in both populations, bab, rather than tan, shows the strongest association with pigmentation in the South African population, similar to results from the Dembeck et al. (2015) study and in contrast to the Bastide et al. (2013) study. We analyze these results in detail to explain the reasons for the contrasting genetic associations between the South African and European populations.

Materials and Methods

Sample collection, isofemale lines used, and pigmentation scoring

For the European populations ∼30,000 flies were collected in Vienna in 2010 and in Bolzano, Italy, in 2011, split into replicates, used to create an F1 generation in the laboratory at 25° and scored for pigmentation as described in Bastide et al. (2013). Briefly, offspring were kept at 18° for a few days posteclosion to allow adult pigmentation pattern to develop and stabilize. Pigmentation was scored by visually classifying each individual according to the extent of darkly pigmented area on the most posterior abdominal segment (A7 tergite). For classification five levels of pigmentation ranging from 0 (not pigmented) to 4 (completely pigmented) were assigned, and 100 individuals with the lightest and darkest levels (0 and 4, respectively) of each replicate were randomly chosen for pool sequencing. Around 1500 individuals were scored for each replicate. As a control three replicates of 100–160 individuals not selected for abdominal pigmentation were used.

The South African population consisted of 700 isofemale lines collected in March 2012 in Kanonkop, South Africa. These isofemale lines were kept at 25° and the offspring left for several days to allow for the adult pigmentation to mature and fully develop. For each replicate one female individual was taken from each isofemale line, leading to a replicate size of 700 individuals. The individuals were then visually scored for pigmentation of their A7 tergite, and the 135 lightest and 173 darkest flies from each replicate were pooled and sequenced (19.3% and 24.7%, respectively). The average allele frequencies in the Kanonkop population were estimated from pooled females obtained from a subset of 564 isofemale lines.

DNA extraction, library preparation, and sequencing

DNA from pooled and individual flies was extracted following a modified high-salt protocol (Miller et al. 1988) and fragmented using a Covaris (Woburn, MA) S2 device. Paired-end library preparation was based on the NEBNext DNA Library Prep Master Mix Set (E6040L; New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA) for the pooled South African sample and the individually sequenced Viennese flies, whereas a modified protocol of the NEBNext Ultra DNA Library Prep Kit (E7370L) was used for the individually sequenced South African flies. Size selection and final library purification were performed using AMPureXP beads (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) with an additional gel-based size selection for the pooled South African sample and the individually sequenced Viennese flies. The resulting insert sizes were 400 bp for these two samples and ∼550 bp for the individual South African libraries. For amplification of individually barcoded libraries, the PCR master mix included in the TruSeq DNA LT Sample Prep Kit (FC-121-2001; Illumina, San Diego) or Phusion Polymerase (New England Biolabs) and 12 PCR cycles were used. All libraries were sequenced on a HiSeq2000 following a 2 × 100 bp protocol.

Read mapping, filtering of contaminants, and realignment

Sequencing reads were trimmed, mapped to a reference genome using a Hadoop-based distributed computation framework, and filtered as previously described (Kofler et al. 2011a; Bastide et al. 2013; Pandey and Schlötterer 2013). Shortly thereafter, the reads were trimmed using PoPoolation and a base quality threshold of 18 (Kofler et al. 2011a) and mapped to the combined genomes of D. melanogaster (v. 5.18), Wolbachia pipientis (AE017196.1), Lactobacillus brevis (CP000416.1), Acetobacter pasteurianus (AP011170), and phage phiX174 (NC_001422.1), using BWA aln v. 0.5.9 (Li and Durbin 2009) without seeding, allowing for two gap openings (-o 2), an alignment distance threshold leading to loss of <1% of reads, assuming a 1% missing probability at a 2% error rate (-n 0.01), and up to 12-bp gap extensions (-e 12 -d 12). The aligned reads were checked for duplicates and filtered for improper pairs and a mapping quality of at least 20, using samtools v. 0.1.18 and Picard tools v. 1.79 (Li et al. 2009). Finally, all alignments were realigned around short insertions and deletions and in regions showing high entropy, using GATK v. 2.5.2 (McKenna et al. 2010), considering both the insertions and deletions occurring in the alignments and those identified in the second freeze version of the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) lines (Mackay et al. 2012) (DGRP freeze 2: ; options RealignerTargetCreator:–maxIntervalSize 400–minReadsAtLocus 15; IndelRealigner: -entropy 0.05 -LOD 3 -maxConsensuses 50 -greedy 250 -model USE_READS).

The Austrian and Italian populations were found to contain ∼1% D. simulans contamination when inspecting male flies for diagnostic genital differences (Sturtevant 1919). As previously described (Bastide et al. 2013), this can lead to false associations, as D. melanogaster and D. simulans differ from each other in the degree of abdominal pigmentation (Gibert et al. 1998b). To identify and remove reads potentially stemming from D. simulans, the mapped and filtered reads were remapped against five genomes each from D. melanogaster and D. simulans, using GMAP (ver. 2012-07-20) as previously described (Bastide et al. 2013), and reads mapping to a D. simulans genome with a higher mapping quality than that to the best-fitting D. melanogaster genome were removed as contamination. Previously identified fixed differences between the two fly species were used to independently estimate the amount of D. simulans contamination (Bastide et al. 2013).

The cleaned and filtered alignment files were converted into synchronized format requiring a base quality of at least 20, using PoPoolation2 (Kofler et al. 2011b). Repetitive regions and regions around small insertions and deletions (5 bp up- or downstream) were removed. RepeatMasker (ver. 3.2.8, was used for identifying repetitive regions without considering low-complexity regions (option -nolow). Overall, after all filtering steps, an average sequencing depth of ∼100 was obtained, with coverages ranging from 27 to 278 (for details see Supporting Information, Table S1).

Association mapping and false detection rate calculation

To test for associations of variants with abdominal pigmentation we used a Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel (CMH) test as previously described (Bastide et al. 2013). Briefly, the CMH test allows us to test for independence of values in contingency tables over multiple strata or, in our case, replicates. For each replicate a 2 × 2 contingency table containing the reference and alternative allele counts of the extremely light and dark pools was created, and the CMH test was performed over all replicates for each individual variant as implemented in PoPoolation 2 (Kofler et al. 2011b). For calculation of the common odds ratios and confidence intervals we used custom python scripts, using the mantelhaen.test function of the stats package of R (R Core Team 2014) and rpy2 ( All polymorphic sites were filtered for a minimum coverage of 15 for each sample and a minimum overall count of the minor allele of 8 for each sample. We also removed the 2% highest-covered sites from the calculations. To correct for multiple testing, we enforced a false detection rate of 0.05 derived from an empirical null distribution as described in Bastide et al. (2013).

Identification of small insertions and deletions

Small insertions and deletions were identified and quantified using the UnifiedGenotyper of GATK (ver. 2.5.2; McKenna et al. 2010). The alignment files of each population were analyzed together, using a sample ploidy of 25, a minimum base quality of 20, a minimum insertion/deletion (indel) fraction of 5%, and an overall occurrence of 20 counts for each indel to be considered (options: -maxAltAlleles 3 -glm GENERALPLOIDYINDEL -deletions 1.1 -mbq 20 -minIndelFrac 0.05 -minIndelCnt 20 -stand_call_conf 10.0 -stand_emit_conf 10.0 -sample_ploidy 25). A lower sample ploidy than actually occurred in the pools had to be used for the calculations as GATK was prohibitively slow for ploidies >25. While this may lead to some inaccuracies in genotyping and in scoring of low-frequency variants, it should not influence the estimated counts of variants with minor allele frequencies >5%. The indels were filtered using GATK to perform variant quality score recalibration, taking the DGRP freeze 2 indels as a training set and choosing a sensitivity of 95%. Furthermore, all indels with a frequency <5% were removed using bcftools (v. 1.0; For each position, only the two most common alleles were considered and the counts of the most common indel used in a modified CMH testing against the reference allele count, a procedure similar to single-nucleotide variants. The CMH test was performed using the mantelhaen.test function of the stats package of R (R Core Team 2014), using custom python scripts and rpy2 (

Estimation of inbreeding coefficients and genetic differentiation

Inbreeding coefficients (FIT) were calculated for single females from 12 South African isofemale lines and 12 female offspring from the freshly collected Italian population. For the calculation of inbreeding coefficients (FIT), 6 individual flies from each the very dark and the very light fraction of the South African samples and 12 individuals not scored for pigmentation from the Italian population were used. As we estimate FIT genome-wide, we do not expect the values to be much affected by any selection on the pigmentation loci. The reads of each individual were mapped to the reference with BWA, filtered, and realigned with GATK as above. We called SNPs with the UnifiedGenotyper of GATK (McKenna et al. 2010), using the default parameters apart from allowing for three alleles and slightly altered call and emit thresholds (-maxAltAlleles 3 -glm SNP–output_mode EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY -stand_call_conf 30.0 -stand_emit_conf 15.0). Subsequently we recalibrated the variant quality score based on the combined DGRP freeze 2 and Drosophila Population Genomics Project 2 (DPGP2) (Pool et al. 2012) variants. To calculate inbreeding coefficients, we used only high-confidence SNPs called in the 12 South African and the 12 Italian individuals, respectively (GATK variant quality score recalibration tranche sensitivity threshold 99%, allele frequency >0.15). Inbreeding coefficients were calculated for each variant from the fraction of heterozygous individuals (Het) and the frequencies of the reference (fR) and alternative alleles (fA) in the base populations: Frr=1Het/(2fRfA).

Genetic differentiation was calculated by estimating pairwise FST values from the pooled data of flies from each population that were unselected for pigmentation, using PoPoolation 2 with default settings (Kofler et al. 2011b) and the same filtering criteria and allele frequency cutoffs as for the CMH test.


To better understand the combined effects of the experimental setup, allele frequencies, inbreeding coefficients, additive effects, dominance, and epistatic interactions on the results of these experiments, we performed computer simulations.

We simulated each experiment following the experimental design as closely as possible. For each simulated population, we generated individuals with genotypes for the tan and bab loci according to the measured allele frequencies, assuming Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for the European population and using the estimated inbreeding coefficient for the South African sample (FIT = 0.3). Phenotypic values for each individual were calculated based on its genotype and the underlying genetic architecture and adding a normally distributed random effect with an environmental variance, which was scaled by heritability. The narrow-sense heritability, h2, for female abdominal pigmentation has been estimated to lie between 0.5 and 0.8 (Gibert et al. 1998a). As only two of the contributing loci were simulated, we conservatively assumed h2 = 0.3 for the European population and applied the same environmental variance VE applied to both the European and South African populations.

The genetic component of the phenotype was calculated based on the additive effect (eff) and the degree of dominance (h) for each locus. The dominance, h, ranges from 0 for a recessive light allele, to 0.5 for codominance, to 1 for dominance of the light allele. We calculated the phenotypic value P, depending on the state of loci g1 and g2, using P(g1,g2)=a1(g1)+a2(g2)+ε, where ε represents the environmental contribution to phenotypic variance and is a normally distributed random variable with mean 0 and variance VE with mean zero, and aN(gN) constitutes the genotypic effect of the locus gN:


In addition to dominance and additive effects, we also include potential interactions between the two loci. We defined simple pairwise epistatic interactions by an interaction constant (epsint). An interaction term of zero indicates no epistasis, a negative value corresponds to negative epistasis between light alleles (e.g., with the light double homozygote being darker than expected in the absence of epistasis), and a positive value corresponds to positive epistasis (e.g., with the light double homozygote being lighter than expected; see Figure S17). The effect of the epistatic interaction between the loci g1 and g2 is calculated witheps(g1,g2)=epsinta1(g1)a2(g2)(eff1+eff2)/2 and the overall phenotypic value as P(g1,g2)=a1(g1)+a2(g2)+eps(g1,g2)+ε.

For each set of dominance, epistasis, and additive effect parameters, we performed simulations corresponding to the European and South African experiments, with individuals divided into replicates as in the real experiment (1500 individuals randomly assigned to six replicates in the European experiment, or 1 fly per replicate from each of 700 isofemale lines in the South African experiment). The individuals in each replicate were then ranked according to their phenotypic values, and a CMH test was performed using the allele counts from extreme individuals (with 100 individuals selected from each extreme for Europe and 65 individuals from each extreme from South Africa).

To infer the most likely combination of parameter values and to compare the two models, we used rejection sampling as implemented in the abc R package (Csilléry et al. 2012). For both models 2 million simulations were performed with parameters drawn from uniform prior distributions ([−0.125, 1.125] for dominances and [0.25, 4.5] for the additive effect of bab1 relative to tan and [−1.5, 3.5] for the epistatic interaction strength). The posterior distribution of parameters was estimated using a simple rejection method, using an acceptance threshold of 0.01 and the following criteria as summary statistics: logOR(tan)/logOR(bab1): Europe = 2.51, South Africa = 0.68; logOR(tanEU)/logOR(tanSA) = 2.28; and logOR(bab1EU)/logOR(bab1SA) = 0.62. For model selection, we used the postpr function of the abc R package with the summary statistics calculated from simulations and a tolerance of 0.01.

Data availability

All custom scripts are available for download at github under Raw sequencing reads are available at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) ( under accession nos. ERP001827 (​1827) and ERP013300 (

Results and Discussion

Variation within and between samples

We used samples of D. melanogaster from three locations for this study. After adding an additional replicate for the Viennese population, we reanalyzed the population samples from Bastide et al. (2013), which consisted of two European populations, from near Bolzano, Italy, and Vienna, ∼200 miles apart. We also collected and analyzed data from a new population, from Kanonkop, near Cape Town, South Africa. We divided each of the three population samples into three replicates, which were then scored for female abdominal pigmentation. Within each replicate, we identified individuals with extreme phenotypes—those with the greatest and least extent of darkly pigmented area on segment A7, as in Bastide et al. (2013)—and pooled them and subjected the pools of light and dark individuals from each replicate to whole-genome sequencing (see Table S1 for coverage depth). We then analyzed these pools for allele frequency differences that suggest an association with the pigmentation phenotype. The six replicates from the European populations consisted of 1500 offspring of wild-caught females, with 100 individuals (∼7%) per replicate contributing to each extreme pool. The South African samples, for logistical reasons, were kept as 700 isofemale lines for 15 generations before they were scored for pigmentation. Each of the three replicates from this sample consisted of a single individual sampled from each isofemale line, with a similar fraction of the individuals contributing to the extreme pools as in the European populations (55–80 females or 7–11% of each replicate).

After mapping and filtering, we identified ∼3.2 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) segregating in the European population and ∼4 million SNPs in the South African isofemale lines with ∼1.9 million common to both. The SNPs shared by both populations had significantly higher minor allele frequencies (MAF) than the SNPs found in only one of the two populations [shared SNPs, median MAF Europe (EU) and South Africa (SA), 0.12; private SNPs, median MAF EU, 0.006 and SA, 0.015; paired Wilcoxon rank sum test, EU, W = 1e+12, P < 2.2e-16 and SA, W = 3.5e+12, P < 2.2e-16]. To estimate divergence between the populations, we calculated pairwise FST values for 200-kb windows, using PoPoolation2 (Kofler et al. 2011b). As differentiation between the Austrian and Italian populations was low (median FST = 0.0107, 95% C.I.: [0.0105, 0.011]), we combined these samples for subsequent analysis, as in Bastide et al. (2013). The South African sample showed higher, but still moderate, levels of divergence from the European populations {median FST(Aut/SA) = 0.044 (95% C.I.: [0.043, 0.046]), median FST(Ita/SA) = 0. 040 (95% CI: [0.039, 0.041])}, lower than those typically reported for comparisons between European and other African D. melanogaster samples (FST ∼ 0.20; Pool et al. 2012). The low levels of population differentiation between Europe and South Africa seen here are probably at least partially due to high levels of migration from cosmopolitan flies, shown to occur in many African populations (Pool and Aquadro 2006), but which may be particularly high for our South African sample due to Cape Town’s status as a shipping port.

For the South African population, we used flies from recently established isofemale lines, which have a higher degree of inbreeding than the wild-derived F1’s used in the European study. As inbreeding in the South African samples may affect the GWAS results, we first estimated the degree of inbreeding in these lines. To this end, we sequenced 12 individual females from different isofemale lines and compared these to 12 resequenced individual flies from the population collected in Bolzano, Italy. In the South African flies, the median inbreeding coefficient, FIT, is 0.35 (95% C.I. = [0.337, 0.361]) see Figure S1). This level of inbreeding can be explained by an initial bottleneck of 2 progenitor flies and 15 generations at an effective population size (Ne) of ∼10–25, consistent with the conditions under which the isofemale lines were propagated. FIT varied moderately but significantly among chromosomes, with 2L and 3L showing the lowest inbreeding (median FIT = 0.28 both) and X and 2R the highest (median FIT = 0.43 and 0.5, respectively; Dunn’s test with Benjamin–Hochberg correction; comparison, 2L:3L and 2R:X, P > 0.05; all other comparisons, P < 10−6). In contrast, resequenced individual flies from the European populations, which have not been maintained as isofemale lines, show little evidence of inbreeding (median FIT ≈ 0.00, 95% C.I.: [−0.009, 0.001]), as expected for flies with essentially the same genotypes as wild flies.

SNPs associated with variation in abdominal pigmentation

To find SNPs associated with abdominal pigmentation, we compared the allele frequencies of the extreme light and dark pools of the European and South African populations across replicates, using the CMH test as in Bastide et al. (2013). In both populations, most of the 100 highest-ranked SNPs (ranked by P-value from the CMH test) are located in noncoding regions—73% in the European population and 95% in the South African one (see Table S2, Table S3, Table S4, Table S5, Table S6, and Table S7). Nevertheless, in the European population, the highly ranked SNPs are enriched for those in coding regions compared to random samples matched in size, chromosomal distribution, and allele frequency (100,000 samples: P < 10−4). This enrichment is, however, mostly due to the overlap of the tan regulatory region with the coding sequence of various flanking genes (14 synonymous and 5 nonsynonymous SNPs).

In general, the results for the European population (Figure 1) are essentially the same as in Bastide et al. (2013), with minor differences likely due to the inclusion of an additional replicate for the Viennese population and a slightly altered SNP calling and filtering protocol. The strongest associations are due to SNPs found upstream of the tan locus, with the highest-ranking SNPs in the MSE region (Figure 1, A and C, and Table S3, Table S6, and Table S7). The remaining strongly associated SNPs are near the bric-a-brac locus (hereafter called bab), and weakly associated SNPs occur upstream of the ebony gene on 3R and close to the pdm3 gene on 2R. While only weakly associated with pigmentation, it is plausible that both ebony and pdm3 are causal, as both have been implicated in abdominal pigmentation in other studies (Pool and Aquadro 2007; Rogers et al. 2014).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Manhattan plots for the effect of SNPs on female abdominal pigmentation for segment A7. The horizontal axis shows the genomic location of each tested SNP, with chromosomal location indicated alternately by black and gray and with vertical lines indicating the locations of the tan (red), pdm3 (yellow), bab1 (green), and ebony (blue) genes. The vertical axis shows the –log10 P-value from the CMH test, with a horizontal line indicating the 0.05 FDR threshold. (A–D) Results for the experiments with European (A) and South African (B) flies, with detailed views of regions of the tan (C) and bab (D) loci that contain SNPs showing strong associations. In the detailed views, only SNPs with P-values <0.1 are shown. Gray rectangles mark regions containing coding sequence of the genes, and white rectangles indicate known cis-regulatory elements. The arrowheads indicate the direction of transcription. Male-specific enhancer (MSE), dimorphic enhancer (DME), and anterior element (AE) indicate previously described cis-regulatory regions (Jeong et al. 2008; Williams et al. 2008).

In contrast, in the South African sample (Figure 1B and Table S2, Table S4, and Table S5), the SNPs with the strongest associations occur at bab, not tan. Specifically, these SNPs lie in the third intron of bab1, near a cis-regulatory region called the dimorphic element (Figure 1D) (Williams et al. 2008). The next strongest associations were with SNPs at the tan locus. The change in ranks for the tan and bab loci between Europe and South Africa is investigated in detail below. Finally, we again found SNPs weakly associated with pigmentation at the pdm3 locus, as in the European sample, but none near the ebony locus (Figure 1, Figure S2, and Figure S3).

Using D. simulans as an outgroup, we inferred the ancestral states of the strongly associated SNPs via parsimony. Interestingly, the inferred ancestral phenotype differs at the tan and bab loci: for tan, most of the 10 highest-ranking SNPs with a consistent effect in both samples had an inferred ancestral light allele (EU, 7/10; SA, 9/10). At the bab locus, in contrast, the majority of SNPs had an ancestral dark allele (EU, 8/10; SA, 7/10; Table S2 and Table S3).

Non-SNP variants associated with abdominal pigmentation

Strongly associated SNPs may not directly cause abdominal pigmentation differences, but may instead be associated with pigmentation via linkage to causal alleles consisting of other kinds of genetic variation, namely, short indel variants and large chromosomal inversions. To investigate these data for differences in indel frequencies between the pools, we identified 279,016 segregating short insertions and deletions in one of the European pools and 371,146 in the South African samples, with 199,676 of these segregating in all populations (with the requirement that they segregate with minor allele frequencies of at least 15%). As with the SNPs, we compared allele counts of the indels in the extreme pools over replicates, using a CMH test. While indels and SNPs could, in principle, be combined and analyzed together, we examined the indel results separately. The reason is that the indel allele counts are likely less reliable than the SNP allele counts, as calling indels is technically difficult compared to identifying SNPs, especially in pooled sequencing samples.

Overall, we find patterns similar to those obtained with SNPs (Figure S4 and Figure S5). For the European samples, highly associated indels are found around the same regions close to tan and bab1, while for the South African flies, the only strongly associated indels were near bab1, with none near the tan locus. In general, indels associated with pigmentation variation showed higher P-values and smaller average allele frequency changes than the highly associated SNPs [median of the log(OR) of the 10 most significant variants: EU, SNPs = 1.8, indels = 1.3; SA, SNPs = 2.1, indels = 1.7], suggesting that the observed phenotypic variation is more likely to be due to the SNPs than to the indels.

We further investigated the pools of light and dark flies for differences in the frequencies of cosmopolitan inversions. The inversions themselves are unlikely to cause pigmentation differences, but as they suppress recombination in heterozygotes, any causal variants contained in the inverted type may be linked to many other variants also associated with the inversion. To investigate this possibility, we looked for differences in the frequencies of six common cosmopolitan inversions on chromosomes 2 and 3 between the light and dark pools. We identified inversion types indirectly, via previously identified SNP markers from Kapun et al. (2013).

While some inversions showed considerable frequency differences between light and dark pools in the European populations (Figure S6), these differences were not consistent between the Italian and Austrian samples and were not replicated in the South African pools. Thus, these frequency differences may lead to an overall elevation in allele frequency differences between the pools, but, assuming that the inversions are associated with similar alleles in both European samples, they are unlikely to lead to consistently associated alleles even in the European samples. In addition, linkage disequilibrium between alleles and inversions is likely strongest at the inversion breakpoints (Andolfatto et al. 1999). The closest inversion breakpoint of any of the investigated inversion is ∼2 Mb away from the bab locus, possibly close enough to affect allele frequencies (Stevison et al. 2011), but unlikely to result in strong spurious association at bab and not elsewhere on 3L. The tan locus is X linked, and the X chromosome harbors no known common inversions (Lemeunier and Aulard 1992). In any case, the inversions are unlikely to cause artifactual signals at tan and bab.

Similarities and differences between the populations

We noted several differences between the European and South African populations. In particular, the weak effect of ebony is restricted to the European population, and the strongest signals occur near tan in the European population, but near bab in the South African population. Nevertheless, we identified similar sets of genes overall in the two populations, raising the question of whether pigmentation is affected by the same alleles in the two populations or by independent alleles at the same loci. We tested this by asking whether highly ranked SNPs (ranked separately by significance for each population) had consistent effects in the two samples, using two different measures of consistency. First, we asked whether the alleles at these SNPs had the same qualitative effect for Europe and South Africa, assuming that the “dark” allele at each SNP is that enriched in the dark sample of flies (and vice versa). For unassociated diallelic SNPs, we expect half of them to have the same qualitative effect in the two samples. High-ranking SNPs, however, have the same inferred dark and light alleles much more often than this (Figure 2A). Second, we asked whether high-ranking SNPs in one population had the strongest estimated phenotypic effects in the other population, as expected. We estimated and ranked phenotypic effects using the logOR for dark vs. light pools (Bastide et al. 2013) (Figure S7 and Figure S8). The results again show broad consistency between the populations; in particular, high-ranking SNPs in Europe generally had the highest-ranked phenotypic effects in South Africa (Figure 2B). For both measures of similarity, the concordance between the samples declines steeply as the effects of highly ranked SNPs are diluted by SNPs with increasingly lower ranks (Figure 2). Overall, we conclude that despite the striking differences between the populations, this analysis suggests that some SNPs contribute similarly to female abdominal pigmentation in both populations. Otherwise, we would not expect to find consistency between the high-ranking SNPs of the two populations, as each would contain two different sets of causal variants and linked SNPs.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Consistency between European and South African samples. SNPs were ranked by CMH test P-values, with different cutoffs shown on the x-axis. SNPs were ranked according to the results in the European (red line) or South African populations (blue line). One thousand random samples of unassociated SNPs—matched in number, allele frequency, and chromosomal distribution with the analyzed SNPs—were used as a comparison (dashed lines). (A) The fraction of SNPs with consistent effects, i.e., where light and dark alleles inferred between the two samples were the same. (B) Correlation coefficients (Spearman’s ρ) for the logOR values of the two populations. The logOR is a measure of the effect of the SNP, with the direction of the effect indicated by its sign.

That said, the ranks of the highest-ranking South African SNPs were poor predictors of the ranks of their effect sizes in Europe compared to the reciprocal comparison (Figure 2). Inspection of the data reveals that this discrepancy arises mainly from the region near bab1, where some SNPs were high ranking in South Africa, but not in Europe. Tellingly, these SNPs segregate at intermediate frequencies in South Africa and at low frequencies in Europe (median MAFs of the 50 highest-ranked SNPs in South Africa = 0.42, median MAFs in Europe = 0.26; paired Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.0004). The logOR estimator is akin to the average effect of an allelic substitution (Falconer and Mackay 1996), in that it is affected in a similar way by dominance and allele frequency. That is, in the absence of dominance, the logOR effect estimates are affected very little by differences in allele frequencies (Figure S7A). With dominance though, logOR estimates do change with allele frequency, reflecting the change in the proportion of individuals expressing the full homozygous effects of the recessive allele (Figure S7B). Thus, the failure to observe a strong effect for the bab1 SNPs in Europe might be explained by a lower MAF of the recessive allele, so that its effects are rarely expressed and such that it contributes little to phenotypic variation in Europe. At the tan gene, in contrast, the 50 highest-ranked SNPs in the South African sample had comparable median MAFs in reference samples from both populations (median MAFs in Europe, 0.75; in SA, 0.70; paired Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.99; Figure S9), and the effects for these SNPs were more consistent than for those at the bab locus.

Refining candidates using the combined analysis of multiple populations

Despite the high resolution of Pool-GWAS, for closely linked sites, several alleles from a single population are associated with a causal variant via linkage disequilibrium, resulting in false positives. The combined analysis of multiple populations may make use of more historical recombination events than have occurred in a single population. As a result, provided that the genetic architecture of the trait is identical among the populations, their joint analysis can yield fewer false positives and higher confidence candidates than the analysis of a single population. Considering only high-ranking SNPs with consistent effects in the two populations, for example, we can narrow down the SNPs at bab to a single best candidate SNP (3L:1085454 at bab1).

For SNPs in very close proximity, we can use patterns of linkage to further refine the location of SNPs that show consistent changes between populations. We achieve this by using information from SNPs on the same read or read pair and estimating short-range linkage disequilibrium between the associated SNPs as in Feder et al. (2012). We combined pairs of SNPs with estimated r2 values > 0.75 to infer short haplotypes. We then determined the frequency changes and the associated P-values of SNPs associated with these haplotypes (Figure S9, Figure S10, and Figure S11) to determine whether candidate SNPs increase in frequency independently of nearby SNPs or as part of a haplotype. For example, the three most highly ranked tan SNPs in the European population appear to occur primarily on the same haplotype, consistent with their close physical distance (e.g., the two most tightly linked SNPs, X:9121094 and X:9121129, show r2(EU) ∼ 0.97, r2(SA) ∼ 0.83). Unfortunately, this does not implicate a single best candidate SNP, as the response of all three SNPs is likely nonindependent. In contrast, the analysis of three groups of SNPs upstream of the tan gene (X:9119116–9119160, X:9120730,912683, and X:9123892–9123903) demonstrates the usefulness of this approach. In the analysis of the European population, the SNPs within a group show strong linkage disequilibrium, resulting in almost identical allele frequency change. In the South African population, these alleles do not show the same pattern of linkage disequilibrium, and only one SNP in each of the groups exhibits consistent allele frequency changes in the South African sample, yielding a single best candidate causal allele for each of the three haplotypes (see green boxes in Figure S10).

Contrasts between populations at the tan and bab loci

We used simulations to ask whether we can simply explain the contrasting effects of tan and bab in Europe and South Africa, assuming an identical genetic architecture of causal loci underlying the phenotype. Specifically, we investigated the role of dominance and allele frequency differences between the populations. We simulated as closely as possible the actual Pool-GWAS procedure for both populations, using the same number of sequenced individuals and replicates, and estimated allele frequencies from the European and South African reference populations (median frequency for the light allele of the four best candidates at each locus: Europe, tan, 0.2; bab, 0.83; SA, tan, 0.17; bab, 0.47; see Table 1). We assigned genotypes to individuals based on these allele frequencies, accounting for inbreeding in the South African population (using FIT = 0.35), and phenotypes based on these genotypes, assuming a narrow-sense heritability (h2) of 0.3. This value is conservative compared to the typical estimate of h2 = 0.5–0.9 for abdominal pigmentation (Bickel et al. 2011; Dembeck et al. 2015), allowing for the effects of background loci. We assigned the same mean phenotype to individuals with the same genotype, regardless of population. As in the real experiment, simulated individuals were divided into replicates and selected for their phenotypes, and their pooled allele counts were analyzed with a CMH test.

Table 1. The four best candidate SNPs at the tan and bab loci.

Europe South Africa
Chr Position AF −log10 P logOR AF −log10 P logOR logOR (EU)/logOR (SA)
X 9120922 0.22 56.78 2.39 0.29 10.64 1.26
X 9121094 0.18 60.35 3.14 0.17 8.58 1.18
X 9121129 0.18 60.35 2.86 0.16 13.50 1.66
X 9121177 0.21 36.45 1.83 0.06 6.96 1.43
tan mean 0.20 2.55 0.17 1.38 1.89
3L 1084990 0.90 8.38 1.20 0.52 42.41 3.03
3L 1085137 0.85 4.35 0.65 0.47 37.04 2.54
3L 1085454 0.85 23.41 1.64 0.58 25.65 2.00
3L 1086356 0.73 4.54 0.57 0.30 23.81 2.06
bab mean 0.83 1.02 0.47 2.41 0.44
logOR (tan)/logOR (bab) 2.51 0.57

SNPs were selected based on their rank in both studies and had consistent allelic effects in both populations (i.e., the identity of the putative light and dark alleles was consistent between Europe and South Africa). The mean allele frequencies for these SNPs and their log odds ratios were used in simulations and rejections sampling procedures, as described in the text. AF, allele frequency of the light allele; Chr, chromosome; OR, odds ratio. P-values and odds ratios were obtained from the CMH procedure.

In the simulations, we varied the degree of dominance (h) of the light allele at each locus and the relative additive effect sizes between the two loci (E) and then accepted the 1% of simulations best fitting the following four criteria: the ratio of effects of tan and bab in (i) Europe (actual results, tan-logOR/bab-logOR = 2.51) and (ii) South Africa (tan-logOR/bab-logOR = 0.57) and the ratio of effects of these SNPs across populations for (iii) tan (Europe-logOR/South Africa-logOR = 1.89) and (iv) bab (Europe-logOR/South Africa-logOR = 0.44; see Table 1). Additional details of the simulation methods are given in Materials and Methods. The results of rejection sampling are shown in Figure 3, Figure S12, and Figure S13. These most probable parameter combinations had dominant light alleles at both bab (consistent with Robertson et al. 1977), and tan and a stronger effect of bab vs. tan alleles. Nearly all accepted parameter combinations (92%) resulted in switching of the ranks of tan and bab for the European and South African populations.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Rejection sampling results. Heatmap shows the percentage of accepted simulations using an ABC rejection method with 2,000,000 simulations uniformly sampling parameter space and an acceptance rate of 1%, using these criteria: logOR(tan)/logOR(bab1), Europe = 2.51, South Africa = 0.68; logOR(tanEU)/logOR(tanSA) = 2.28; and logOR(bab1EU)/logOR(bab1SA) = 0.62. Parameters were sampled uniformly from [−0.125, 1.125] for dominance and [0.25, 4.5] for the additive effect of bab1 relative to tan. For presentation in a grid, the parameter values were binned into intervals of 0.25 for dominance and 1 for relative additive effect. The axis labels indicate the center of each binning interval. The numbers in the cells give the percentage of accepted simulations in each binned parameter interval. Each cell represents a particular range of combinations of dominance of the light alleles at bab1 (top axis) and tan (bottom axis) and the relative additive effect of bab1 to tan loci (left axis).

To explore potential genetic interactions between the two loci, as suggested by the results of Robertson et al. (1977), we also considered a model with a simple epistatic interaction term (see Materials and Methods), allowing for synergistic (positive) or antagonistic (negative) effects of the light allele. Including a positive epistatic interaction between light alleles at the two loci substantially improves the model fit [Bayes factor: P(Data|Model with epistasis)/P(Data|Model without epistasis) = 644] (Csilléry et al. 2012). However, as other factors, such as subtle differences in experimental methods or differences between the populations at other causal loci, may yield a similar effect, we do not consider this analysis strong evidence for epistasis. In any case, the main results remain qualitatively unchanged: similar to the model without epistasis, this model also suggests dominance of the light alleles of both tan and bab, although support for tan dominance is reduced, and there is a stronger allelic effect of variants at the bab locus than at tan (Figure S14, Figure S15, and Figure S16).

Overall, our simulations suggest that the contrasting results between the European and the South African population can be at least partly explained by dominance and allele frequency differences between the populations: as the dark allele at bab is at high frequency in the South African population, the recessive homozygote is easily recovered even in the absence of inbreeding. In contrast, the recessive homozygote in Europe is rare (at an expected frequency of 2.9%), reducing its effect on phenotypic variation and in the experiment, in spite of its large allelic effect.

Comparison of the results with previous studies

We compared the results of our approach to two studies on natural genetic variation of female abdominal pigmentation. For this analysis, we chose to maximize the chance of overlap with the other two studies with a more liberal cutoff than the 5% false discovery rate (FDR) used for the main results, instead using the 1019 SNPs with P-values below the Bonferroni threshold (P = 1.56e-8 for Europe and P = 1.25e-8 for South Africa). We then looked for overlap between these SNPs and those identified as candidates in the other studies.

The first study, Bickel et al. (2011), investigated variants at the bric-à-brac locus (bab1 and bab2) segregating in a sample of 96 inbred lines from an orchard near Winters, California, for their effects on A6 pigmentation. While this study measured pigmentation for a different tergite, genotypic values for A6 and A7 are strongly correlated (Gibert et al. 1998b), so an overlap between alleles affecting these traits seems plausible. In the 148-kb region covered by Bickel et al. (2011), there were 3066 uniquely mappable biallelic SNPs with a minor allele frequency ≥ 0.05; of these, 2367 were segregating in at least one of the populations used in this study, and 167 of these 2367 were identified as candidates by Bickel et al. (2011). Of these SNPs, 15 and 2 were significant after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing in the South African and European studies, respectively (Table S8), including the most strongly associated ones at the bab locus in the South African (3L:1084990) and the European (3L:1085454) samples. The overlapping SNPs fall into two regions, the regulatory region in the first intron of bab1 and the noncoding intergenic region between bab1 and bab2, ∼50 kb apart, much farther than the usual extent of linkage disequilibrium in D. melanogaster (Mackay et al. 2012; Franssen et al. 2015), suggesting that both regions may affect pigmentation variation independently.

The second study, Dembeck et al. (2015), looked genome-wide for variants associated with pigmentation of the fifth and sixth abdominal tergites (A5 and A6) of females in a panel of 175 inbred and sequenced lines created from a population at Raleigh, North Carolina (Mackay et al. 2012). We looked for overlap between our 1019 SNPs and the 154 variants with a P-value <1 × 10−5 in Dembeck et al. (2015) associated with effects on either or both segments. In all, we found 15 candidate SNPs in common between Dembeck et al. (2015) and this study; of these, 11 are in the first intron of bab1 and 4 near the MSE upstream of tan (see Table S9). Encouragingly, the inferred light and dark alleles for the SNPs affecting A7 (present study) and those significantly affecting A6 (8 SNPs) or A5 (3 SNPs, with 2 of them also affecting A6) in Dembeck et al. (2015) were identical between the studies, consistent with similar associations and with correlated trait values for these segments (Gibert et al. 1998b). The remaining 6 of the 15 SNPs had a complex effect on pigmentation, affecting the contrast between the A5 and A6 segments—e.g., at these SNPs, alleles that increase pigmentation in A6, reduce it in A5. As pigmentation of adjacent segments is more strongly correlated than that of more distant ones (Gibert et al. 1998b), we expect the effect of these alleles on A6, rather than that on A5, to predict the effect on the A7 segment measured here. Consistent with this, the inferred light and dark alleles for all 6 SNPs were identical for the A6 segment in Dembeck et al. (2015) and for A7 in the present study.

We next asked whether the 15 SNPs that overlap between this study and the Dembeck et al. (2015) study show quantitatively similar effects, again using log(OR) as a proxy for effect size in our study and focusing on the effect on A6 in the Dembeck et al. (2015) study. For the European population, we found no correlation, perhaps not surprisingly as the strongest associations occurred at different loci in this comparison. For the South African population, where the strongest associations were near the same locus (i.e., near bab), the estimated effects of the alleles were strongly correlated (Spearman’s ρ = 0.86, P = 0.0013).

We did not find any signs of association around the other genes identified to influence pigmentation in Dembeck et al. (2015), possibly due to differences in the trait measured (A6 vs. A7 pigmentation) or due to other differences in the methodology and power of these approaches. Finally, only one SNP—the most highly associated one in bab1 for South Africa (3L:1084990)—overlapped between all three studies (Bickel et al. 2011; Dembeck et al. 2015; and this study).


Using the Pool-GWAS method on three different D. melanogaster populations, we show that variants at tan and bab1 are associated with female abdominal pigmentation variation. In addition to the strong statistical support from the present study, our results are also supported by other studies on pigmentation variation (Robertson et al. 1977; Kopp et al. 2003; Bastide et al. 2013; Dembeck et al. 2015) and by forward genetic studies showing that both tan and bab affect pigmentation when mutated. While the results for the South African and European populations are broadly consistent, the differences between them are potentially informative. The European study points to a large effect of tan, while the results from the South African population [and other studies on natural variants (Robertson et al. 1977; Dembeck et al. 2015)] attribute the strongest effects to bab. We show that this difference does not necessarily reflect alternative genetic architectures, but can be most simply explained by a combination of dominance and allele frequency: e.g., in South Africa, the dark allele of bab, which appears to have a strong effect (present study and Robertson et al. 1977; Kopp et al. 2003; Dembeck et al. 2015), is at high enough frequency to occur in homozygous form reasonably often and thus can contribute substantially to phenotypic variation even if recessive. In Europe, in contrast, the dark bab allele is rare, and, if recessive, contributes little to phenotypic variation in wild flies. Regardless of its status in natural populations, a recessive bab allele can play a large role in differences between inbred lines selected for extreme phenotypes, as shown in previous studies (Robertson et al. 1977; Kopp et al. 2003).

Further, because distant populations may show different patterns of linkage disequilibrium, studying associations in different populations provides a means to help distinguish linked but noncausal variants from causal alleles contributing to the phenotype—e.g., a SNP that is significant for one sample may show no association in another sample or have different inferred dark and light alleles between samples. Thus, by looking for associations that are repeatable across populations, repeated association studies allow further fine-mapping of potential causal alleles.

Finally, we also show that Pool-GWAS can be used to analyze inbred individuals from isofemale lines, a common tool in population genetics (David et al. 2005), offering a cost-effective way to study the genetic basis of phenotypic variation, including obtaining reasonable estimates of relative effect sizes for different loci. That this modified experimental design yields reliable results is important for logistical reasons, as it allows collection and phenotypic measurement of samples to be separated in time, such that the latter can be done under controlled laboratory conditions.


We thank A. Futschik for assistance with the statistical analysis. H. Bastide, P. Stöbe, and R. Tobler contributed to the experiment with the European populations. We are especially grateful to H. van Schalkwyk for fly collection and technical assistance. This research was supported by the Austrian Science Funds (FWF, P22725) and the European Research Council (ArchAdapt). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


Communicating editor: C. D. Jones

Supporting information is available online at

Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under accession nos. ERP001827 and ERP013300.

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