Fig 4. Probabilities for treatment failure (blue), emergence of MDR-TB (green) and the emergence of a fully resistant strain (FR, red).
(A) Treatment outcome probabilities based on the assessment of 10,000 simulated patients undergoing six month short course therapy at different levels of adherence. (B) Outcome probabilities of the standard retreatment regimen containing streptomycin for patients failing the previous treatment. (C and D) Retreatment outcome probabilities for patients failing the first treatment without or with MDR-TB respectively. (E) The overall probabilities for treatment outcome when both treatment regimens are considered. The width of the dark colored areas indicate the 95% confidence interval. Please note that the colored areas overlap and share a common baseline. Therefore, FR is a subcategory of MDR and FR and MDR are subcategories of treatment failure. The confidence intervals for the retreatment tend to widen at higher adherence levels due to the lower number of patients failing the previous treatment. The area with no data in panel (D) arises because patients with low adherence do not harbor MDR-TB after the first treatment.